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Not Sluts

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We Are Not Sluts

We are real women and men. We extend a hearty welcome to our site this 2024-07-16

We ask you to think about something, just think, instead of getting offended. After a couple of years, this might be a good time to evaluate "Slutwalk" and re-estimate the way ahead.

Slutwalk was a good initial protest against Toronto Police (TPS) Constable Michael Sanguinetti's comments which included his advice that to prevent rape "women should avoid dressing like sluts". It is also a great thing to watch people step out and exercise their democratic right to assemble peaceably to deliver a message to government and all people.

"Slut" according to a compendium of dictionaries in many languages basically refers to an individual who is considered to have loose sexual morals or who is sexually promiscuous.

Slutwalk snowballed into something else and nobody speaks clearly nor in unison about what slutwalkers now hope to achieve having lambasted Sanguinetti in April 2011.

Some Slutwalkers say that the "Slutwalk" movement now seeks to own the word slut in the same way the gay movement took back the word "queer". ("Slut Pride?" Naaaawww.) Some Christians are nearly apoplectic and willing to take a minute-break from birth control and abortion-protest to challenge Slutwalker's design on loose sexual morals and sexual promiscuity.

A large part of the Christian community has sided with author Mary Kassian who wrote "Five problems with the Slutwalk Marches". Slutwalkers retaliated and launched a protest against a Christian web site demanding it  not criticize 'the Slutwalk' and apologise for past criticisms. This we see as an absurd gesture and positively awful PR, adding to the ridiculous concept of “Slutwalk” which is now belittling the effort of all women who seek to end rape!

True, the 'Slutwalk' movement's ‘stated’ goal is laudable but the methodology is laughable. We have said that and heard all sorts of name-calling and threats in return.  We are still here. Ending rape is what RINJ is all about. Maybe we should rename Slutwalk, "Walk To End Rape" or "Take Back The Night".  OK, that’s been done already, thosemarches already exist.

Somehow mixing loose sexual morals and sexual promiscuity with the topic of ending rape has done a lot of damage to the cause.  Global society does not know the story behind Toronto Police Constable Michael Sanguinetti's  haphazard revelation of TPS misogyny and hence doesn’t get it one little bit.

Maybe ‘slutwalkers’ should join “Take Back the Night” or “Walk To End Rape” instead of mixing sexual promiscuity with rape.

Those people slutwalkers  are confusing make up the jury pool for rape cases in criminal courts.

Tainting the jury against rape victims and asking the jury to decide if the victim is a “slut” or not a “slut” is killing prosecutions. Knock it off!

We agree with the goal but we lament  the method. We like it less and less each day as more and more and more jurists return STUPID RESULTS!  We are finding that ‘Slutwalk’ has alienated the public. What can be done about that? Is it really worth the confusion? Is making a point about "slut or not slut" helping the credibility of rape victims? (If the jury is tainted, it doesn't believe the victim. There are too few convictions and too many misguided jury decisions.)

For the record, we of RINJ are not sluts. 

While you are here, visit some of the other topics about rape and sexual assault on the RINJ web site. Learn what we are doing to end rape and think about how you can help.

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