Working Behind the Scenes To End Rape

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Recent RINJ Wire Service Articles:

1. The RINJ Foundation Interactive Pages | Rape Is No Joke – The RINJ Foundation
The RINJ Foundation Interactive Pages Rape Is No Joke – The RINJ Foundation Skip to content Rape Is No Joke The RINJ Foundation – Rape Is No Joke Rape Statistics – The RINJ...
//interactive/ - size 37kb - 18 May 2014
2. More Police Women Are Needed. RINJ Foundation Asks, "Should Men Be Cops"?
.::RINJ Foundatin Asks, "Should Men Be Cops"? New York Cops and police men around the world are raping women and children while others are victim blamers. Should Men Be Cops? Will the police officer who responds to your "911 Rape Call" be a rapist or a victim blamer." The
//blogs/index.htm - size 18kb - 18 May 2014
3. RINJ Discussion Paper - Pedophillia or Statutory Rape - The Difference is in the senten
.:: RINJ dot Org Discussion Paper ~ Pedophillia or Statutory Rapist - The Sentence Must Be Different ::.
//blogs/rinj-pedophilia_or_statutory_rape.htm - size 68kb - 18 May 2014
4. To all cyber bullies of RINJ volunteers.
.:: RINJ dot Org - To all Cyber Bullies Of RINJ Volunteers ::.
//blogs/cyber_bullies_of_rinj_volunteers_take_note.htm - size 26kb - 18 May 2014
5. RINJ Foundation Endorses UN Action To End Sex Crimes In War
.:: RINJ Endorses UN Action To End Sex Crimes In War ::.
//blogs/UN_Action_Against_Sex_Crimes_Part1.htm - size 24kb - 18 May 2014
6. RINJ Suggests a universal increase of penalties for rape and attempted rape.
.:: RINJ dot Org Discussion Paper ~ Men rape women, Men rape men. People who rape are the problem ::.
//blogs/stiffer_penalties_for_rape.htm - size 25kb - 18 May 2014
7. Application By An Agency For Rape Kit Funding - New Units And Kit Testing
.:: Application for Rape Kit Support from The RINJ Foundation ::.
/rape-kit-support/ - size 6kb - 18 May 2014
8. Solving The False Rape Claim Bias of Jurists - Create Law To Severely Punish False Clai
.:: RINJ dot Org Discussion Paper ~ Solving The False Rape Claim Bias of Jurists ::.
//blogs/RINJ-feb19-2012.htm - size 30kb - 18 May 2014
9. Men rape women, Men rape men. Men are the problem.
.:: RINJ dot Org Discussion Paper ~ Men rape women, Men rape men. Men are the problem ::.
//blogs/men_are_the_problem.htm - size 16kb - 18 May 2014
10. Are you Ready For Change
.:: RINJ dot Org Discussion Paper ~ Katie ~ Run For Elected Office or "Hide your Pretty Girls" (The Irony of Slutwalk) ::.
//blogs/katie-jan2012.htm - size 21kb - 18 May 2014
11. In NYC Cops Rape The Women They Should Protect & Stupid Judges Like Mario F. Mattei S
by Sonya Yoshiki, a volunteer activist against rape, especially in Asian nations. Yoshiki of RINJ Foundation Stiffer Penalties For Rape Woman! Run For Elected Office or forever "Hide your Pretty Girls" Solving The False Rape Claim Bias Of Juries Pedophilia or Statutory Rape Men are th - size 59kb - 18 May 2014
12. More Police Women Are Needed. RINJ Foundation Asks, "Should Men Be Cops"?
.::RINJ Foundatin Asks, "Should Men Be Cops"? New York Cops and police men around the world are raping women and children while others are victim blamers. Should Men Be Cops? Will the police officer who responds to your "911 Rape Call" be a rapist or a victim blamer." The
//women-in-policing/ - size 18kb - 18 May 2014
13. Thank You Judges who hand out appropriate sentences to rapists and get them off the street.
.:: Thanks to the Judges who get rapists off the street. ::.
//hall-of-honour/ - size 8kb - 18 May 2014
14. Be A Cop, Girl
.:: Please not only add law enforcement as a career option, girl, but Go Do It! ::.
//women-in-policing/rinj_says_be_a_cop_girl.htm - size 12kb - 18 May 2014
15. Rape Crime And Punishment
.::Rape Crime And Punishment ::.
//blogs/rape_crime_and_punishment.htm - size 25kb - 18 May 2014
16. Rapists Explain Themselves on Reddit
.::Rapists Explain Themselves on Reddit Hence Rapists Must Be Kept Out Of Society ::.
/blogs/Reddit_Thread.htm - size 13kb - 18 May 2014

Sunday Morning Herald - Australia October 17

London Telegraph - October 16, 2011

The RINJ Foundation Declares Victory Over The "Alleyway"

Submitted by [email protected] on Nov 04, 2011 - 08:58 PM

Gone: You know shes playing hard to get when your chasing her down an alleyway
At around 214,000 "Likes" The "Alleyway" vanished near supper time EST Friday November 4, 2011. The demise of the page came after a series of malignant attacks by the administrators of the page on RINJ Foundationer "Sonya".  Other members of the RINJ campaign were also attacked by persons of the "Alleyway" which suddenly disappeared from Facebook.

The RINJ Foundation Forms Global "Facebook Action Coalition" : Rape Is No Joke

Submitted by [email protected] on Oct 27, 2011 - 04:35 AM

Having formed an Facebook Action Coalition of three major organizations including the United States and the United Kingdom, RINJ Foundation is in dialogues with groups from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and other parts of Europe and plans on bringing a large number of organizations to the table to join RINJ in its present proactive consortium of RINJ,  Women's Rights," in America and "Women's Views on News" in Great Britain."

The RINJ Foundation Says Facebook Pages are used for Sex Trade

Submitted by [email protected] on Oct 24, 2011 - 11:25 PM

The rate of expansion for offensive and illegal Facebook content is extraordinary because some people have figured out ways to advance the sex trade through the pages and once money-making schemes became possible the process exploded. Some of these porn/rape pages are for sale. There is an enormous preponderance of child-rape/molestation pages springing up. That is a big internet business and seems to be run by gangs or people long established in that world. The group 4chan owns a sizable piece of Facebook's darker content.

Rape Is No Joke - The RINJ Foundation Originates In Canada

Submitted by [email protected] on Oct 24, 2011 - 12:50 AM

The Facebook "alleyway" community is nothing compared to pages we have caused be closed down through lobbying and reporting to Facebook and its advertisers. There are other festering pages of porn, sexual violence and child-molestation advocacy  we seek to close down. We never picked on the "alleyway" page, the media chose that one as emblematic without actually drawing readership to child porn and pro-rape trash. The pro-child-molestation and pro-rape pages we primarily loathe. That's the truly disgusting content RINJ is targeting first. The "alleyway" is just a pretender.

Previous Releases From Canada:
January 11, 2012
January 12, 2012 - WS
January 18, 2012
1. RINJ Foundation Explains Why The Boycott Of  Washington Post
The RINJ Foundation Explains Why Boycott the "Washington Post" (Cancel All Advertising)
//release/June11_2014.htm - size 23kb - 11 Jun 2014
2. Statement: Boycott The Washington Post, Cancel All Advertising
The RINJ Foundation Issues Statement Announcing Boycott of the "Washington Post"
//release/June10_2014.htm - size 17kb - 10 Jun 2014
3. The Alleyway Vanishes Again! RINJ Foundation - RELEASE November 13, 2011- RINJ Says Fac
.:: RINJ Says The Facebook "Alleyway" Is Back ::.
//release/nov13_2011.htm - size 27kb - 18 May 2014
4. RINJ dot Org Invitation To Discuss False Rape Claim Law
.:: RINJ Invitation To Discuss False Rape Claim Law::.
//release/jan12_2012.htm - size 12kb - 18 May 2014
5. Aug. 8, 2014 New Jersey Court Invades victim's Facebook in slut-shaming attempt.
.: Aug. 8, 2014 New Jersey Court Invades victim's Facebook in slut-shaming attempt :.
//release/Aug-8_2014-Invading-The-Victim's-Facebook-in-slut-shaming-attempt.htm - size 13kb - 09 Aug 2014
6. The RINJ Foundation - PRESS RELEASE November 9, 2011- RINJ Says Shutting DOwn Alleyway was sm
.:: RINJ - The RINJ Foundation Says 'Alleyway' Was 'Small Potatoes' Victory ::.
//release/nov9_2011.htm - size 18kb - 18 May 2014
7. RINJ Foundation Is Asking "Should Men Be Cops?"
.::RINJ Foundation Is Asking "Should Men Be Cops?"::.
//release/August_5_2012.htm - size 15kb - 18 May 2014
8. The RINJ Foundation - PRESS RELEASE October 27, 2011- RINJ Forms Global Consortium
.:: RINJ - Media release October 25, 2011 ::.
//release/oct27_2011.htm - size 12kb - 18 May 2014
9. RINJ Foundation Endorses Adding Human Rights To The Internet - U.N. Human Rights Counci
.::RINJ Foundation Endorses U.N. Human Rights Council Draft Resolution 20 - This esolution adds human rights to all people on the internet and forbids abuse. ::.
//release/July14_2012.htm - size 26kb - 18 May 2014
10. RINJ Foundation Condemns Japanese Politicians Remarks
.::RINJ Foundation Condemns Japanese Politician's Remarks::.
//release/june16_2013.htm - size 11kb - 18 May 2014
11. Dr. Simon McGrail Appointed to the Board Of Directors of The RINJ Foundation
.::RINJ Foundation Board Appointment::.
//release/July19_2013.htm - size 12kb - 18 May 2014
12. RINJ Foundation Condemns Japanese Politicians Remarks
.::RINJ Foundation Condemns Japanese Politician's Remarks::.
//release/ - size 12kb - 18 May 2014
13. RINJ - Media release October 14, 2011
.:: RINJ - Media release October 14, 2011 ::.
//release/oct14_2011.htm - size 16kb - 18 May 2014
14. RINJ dot Org Boycott of Belvedere Vodka - Rape Is No Joke
.:: The RINJ Foundation Boycott of Belvedere Vodka ::.
//release/March24_2012.htm - size 13kb - 18 May 2014
15. The RINJ Foundation - PRESS RELEASE November 4, 2011- RINJ Declares Victory over Alleyway
.:: RINJ - RINJ Declares Victory over Alleyway November 4, 2011 ::.
//release/nov4_2011.htm - size 10kb - 18 May 2014
16. The RINJ Foundation Announces Boycott of Southern Austereo Advertisers
.:: RINJ dot Org has responded to members and colleagues in Australia who voted to launch a boycott of all products and services advertised on any show of 'Vile Kyle' Sandilands. ::.
//release/dec11_2011.htm - size 13kb - 18 May 2014
17. RINJ Awards "Dirty Toilet Broadcaster Award" to 2DayFM and Kyle Sandilands of
.::RINJ Awards "Dirty Toilet Broadcaster Award" to 2DayFM and Kyle Sandilands of Sydney Australia::.
//release/march8_2012.htm - size 12kb - 18 May 2014
18. The RINJ Foundation - PRESS RELEASE October 24, 2011
.:: RINJ - Media release October 24, 2011 ::.
//release/oct24_2011.htm - size 17kb - 18 May 2014
19. The RINJ Foundation Says University of Calgary Campus Culture and Afghanistan Rape Culture ha
.:: RINJ Says University of Calgary Campus Culture and Afghanistan Rape Culture have Too Much in Common ::.
//release/nov24_2011.htm - size 11kb - 18 May 2014
20. The RINJ Foundation To Protest Shock Jock Broadcasters of Rape and Other Violence Against Wom
.:: RINJ Joins Australian Organizations in Protesting A Broadcaster's Proclivity To Promote Rape and Other Violence Toward Women ::.
//release/dec3_2011.htm - size 11kb - 18 May 2014
21. The RINJ Foundation - PRESS RELEASE October 25, 2011
.:: RINJ - Media release October 25, 2011 ::.
//release/oct25_2011.htm - size 13kb - 18 May 2014
22. The RINJ Foundation's Australia Team Issued A Warning
.:: RINJ Joins Australian Organizations in Protesting A Broadcaster's Proclivity To Promote Rape and Other Violence Toward Women ::.
//release/dec6_2011-warning.htm - size 18kb - 18 May 2014
23. The RINJ Foundation Asks Belevedere Vodka To Assist Oksana Makar's Family
.::The RINJ Foundation Asks Belevedere Vodka To Assist Oksana Makar's Family::.
//release/march30_2012.htm - size 15kb - 18 May 2014
24. The RINJ Foundation Asks Belevedere Vodka To Assist Oksana Makar's Family
.::The RINJ Foundation Asks Belevedere Vodka To Assist Oksana Makar's Family::.
//release/March30_2012.htm - size 15kb - 18 May 2014
25. The RINJ Foundation Says No Victory Yet Against Southern Cross Austereo's War With Sydney's W
.:: The RINJ Foundation Says No Victory Yet Against Southern Cross Austereo's War With Sydney's Woman and Children::.
//release/jan21_2012.htm - size 11kb - 18 May 2014
26. The RINJ Foundation Demands Action, Not Media Posturing from ACMA
.:: The RINJ Foundation Demands Action, Not Media Posturing from ACMA::.
//release/january27_2012.htm - size 10kb - 18 May 2014
27. The RINJ Foundation Announces Alliance With Future Shop.
.:: The RINJ Foundation Announces Alliance With Future Shop. ::.
//release/dec25_2011.htm - size 9kb - 18 May 2014

RINJ - Rape Is No Joke