Trump-Twitter attack on Human Rights Defender Martin Gugino earns BOYCOTT

Boycott Twitter

Why Boycott Twitter for the safety of children and their families.

How can RINJ Women possibly accept as being safe for children and their families a ViolenceAlliance against human rights defenders and journalists? Both journalists and human rights defenders have come under attack by Trump-Twitter reaching one-on-one every extremist and violent criminal on Earth.

Cease all Advertising on Twitter in support of Human Rights Defenders

Boycott All Brands Advertised on Twitter

“By not removing Donald Trump’s tweet as requested, which is a ‘call to arms’ for armed extremists to attack human rights defenders, Twitter Inc. is also attacking human rights defenders. Countries where human rights defenders are summarily murdered have one more claim to impunity, thanks to Twitter Inc. The RINJ Foundation is asking its 3 million members to stop all advertising in Twitter and to boycott all brands that advertise in Twitter and to seek all legal and extra legal remedies to end this anti-human rights conduct. Exploiting human rights for financial profit will no longer be tolerated.”

It is not just a coincidence that populist right-wing politics spawned on Twitter and Facebook led to the election of people like Jair Bolsinaro, Rodrigo Duterte, Donald Trump and other human rights antagonists.

Concomitantly there have been a record number of human rights defenders murdered with growing numbers since 2016 through 2018 and 2019. And extra judicial killings spiraling upwards.

We believe with certainty that Facebook and Twitter have conspired without conscience to make money by manipulating their unwary content providers, their users, by providing users’ personal data to populist right wing or fascist candidates in order to win elections for a high fee.

We know of many amounts of money spent on campaigns by Russia and other third party groups to Twitter and other social media platforms. We adduce that the corporate management of companies like Twitter have no moral compass whatsoever and are contributing to extra judicial killings such as the EJK of George Floyd.

The Corporate Management of Twitter Inc. is a reprehensible Human Rights Violator

Twitter has encouraged Extra Judicial Killings not in the same matter of Mr. Gugino but in the same vein of conduct which will comprise additional components of a Human Rights Complaint against the organization in the countries where it makes its services available.

The RINJ Foundation is not alone in this matter.

We read the unwarranted  attacks against persons by the US President on Twitter knowing that no ordinary person could get away with such conduct. Yet when Twitter is asked to remove content we believe could result in violence toward any person, Twitter ignores the request.

When Twitter attacks included an endangered group, Human Rights Defenders, of which Amherst, N.Y. resident Martin Gugino is one well known Human Rights Defender, the final straw should have been broken for most people in the world.

Advertisers who ignore this egregious attack against human development by advertising on the Twitter platform will be exposed.

Twitter users are advised that they should close or disengage their accounts until Twitter provides a remedial plan of action to the UN Commissioner of Human Rights.

In the meantime The RINJ Foundation has begun the process of filing a Human Rights Complaint against Twitter for its egregious conduct of inciting violence against Human Rights Defenders.

“By not removing Donald Trump’s tweet as requested, which is a ‘call to arms’ for armed extremists to attack human rights defenders, Twitter Inc. is also attacking human rights defenders. Countries where human rights defenders are summarily murdered have one more claim to impunity, thanks to Twitter Inc. The RINJ Foundation is asking its 3 million members to stop all advertising in Twitter and to boycott all brands that advertise in Twitter and to seek all legal and extra legal remedies to end this anti-human rights conduct. Exploiting human rights for financial profit will no longer be tolerated.”

By not removing Donald Trump’s tweet which is a ‘call to arms’ for armed extremists to attack human rights defenders, Twitter is also attacking human rights defenders.

Because of previous incitements by Trump depicted here to a breach of the peace and violence by Mr. Trump on Twitter, there is a reasonable belief that the client of Kelly Zarcone who says that “As heartbreaking as it is, his brain is injured and he is well aware of that now,” MARTIN GUGINO, is a vulnerable Human Rights Defender whose condition is frail.

Boycott Twitter Advertisers. Twitter complicity by allowing Trump’s tweet, a ‘call to arms’ for extremists to attack human rights defenders.

Boycott Twitter Advertisers. Twitter complicity by allowing Trump’s tweet, a ‘call to arms’ for extremists to attack human rights defenders.


 Editorial: Trump violently attacks a human rights defender putting America in a hole.