Join The Largest Global Women'S Group Fighting For Safety Of Women And Children Around The World. - The RINJ Foundation Mon Jul 15 20:15:56 2024

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Help protect women & children from violent men.

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Access to UN Bodies

RINJ is a non-governmental organization holding special consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). With that distinction, the RINJ CEO may appoint members to committees within the UN NGO system, including New York, Geneva and Vienna. This means you have the opportunity to review the array of UN initiatives and be nominated as a delegate to work on policy committees or commissions that interest you, either personally or from an institutional perspective. Examples include the Committee on the Status of Women, the Committee on HIV/AIDS, the Committee on Sustainable Development, Committee on Narcotics & Substance Abuse, the Committee on Human Rights, and the Committee on Finance for Development.

Supporting survivors & prosecution of rapists

Protecting survivors, counseling, medical aid, reconstructive surgery,& special care otherwise unavailable owing to funding or specialist resource issues.

Providing 'rape kits' and/or the funding of rape kit testing. First responders and hospitals must have rape kits & completed rape kits must be immediately tested with results sent posthaste to police & prosecutors.

Share learning.

  • Provide data to the public about 'wanted' sex offenders/suspects or recently released convicted rapists who may be of interest to the community;
  • encourage a more diligent execution of duty by law enforcement investigating sexual assault and rape complaints; and
  • play a role supporting sexual assault & rape survivors in war-torn countries.

The RINJ Foundation sends volunteer NGO workers to care for rape survivors in war zones and refugee camps; investigate and catalog crimes of rape in regions in armed conflict.