Failing to Protect American Families

In a recent scathing article, published moments after United States Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar gave evidence on the “State of the Union” broadcast on CNN, experts talking to FPMagslammed the Secretary as a “Slippery Liar”

Rosa Yamamoto of FPMag told Karinna Angeles of The RINJ Foundation that her publication and some of its partners in the process of tracking the global COVID-19 Pandemic Live Updates were anticipating the promised interview of the Health and Human Sciences secretary by Washington journalist Jake Tapper.

Why is America suffering such a colossal number of deaths from the CoV?’,

“Tapper is a digger,” said Yamamoto, ” and we hoped he would get to the point, ‘Why is America suffering such a colossal number of deaths from the CoV?’, and he did,” she said.

Much anticipated interview of HHS Secretary resulted in a truthful answer. “We are unhealthier than the rest of the world.”


“Alex Azar delivered some stunning truths Sunday Morning to Jake Tapper’s “CNN State of the Union”.

( Read: Alex Azar on CoV, obesity, diabetes, hypertension.)

“The push has not been for the health of the American people.”

“Obesity is a pervasive problem in the United States,” notes the article, “and growing at a terrible rate. The push is for profit from “supersizing”, “red meat”, high sugar-content”, high-fat and a sedentary life style.” The push has not been for the health of the American people.

Says the author who is a Doctor of Public Health, “Among the co-morbid illnesses that piggyback obesity are hypertensive heart disease (high blood pressure), diabetes and others.”

Take this a few words further. COVID-19 is widely regarded as a morbid and highly mortal threat to male persons who are obese and have underlying health care issues of diabetes and high blood pressure.

Conclude COVID-19 is bound to kill more Americans and other nations that suffer those co-morbid diseases in high numbers.

American Lies are Exposed as Deaths approach 100,000

“What is not true is that America is preventing deaths better than any other nation. America is telling bigger lies,”  says computer scientist Fred Harris who with his team of experts assemble this following data from regional health care units around the world, ignoring most political sources.

“What is also not true and in fact is very misleading is that the United States is doing a better job of testing than any nation in the world. America is doing many tests of VIPS and their family and counting them over and over again every day but the United States is not doing contact tracing and isolation which is the key response to the pandemic as indicated by the World Health Organization on clear evidence of dozens of nations. America has not set any records or standards for testing, its administration has only set leading deception records in an effort to deceiving Americans and explaining away why Americans are dropping like flies,” adds the scientist who monitors this information every minute of every day.

FPMag asked Mr. Harris about the full assessment of the Secretary of Health and Human Services and his response was,

“based on all that was said he [ Alex Azar] is a heartless slippery liar, one of the worst in public office because he should be a well-meaning doctor who puts the public health and the public well being ahead of all matters. This man is a despicable public officials and he betrays his office and every American.”

Failing to Protect The American Families

The article notes that America is not the world’s worst nation in terms of ‘Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure’ but certainly in the top dozen. But all of those countries have a much better outcome fighting the global pandemic than does the United States.  The authors conclude that the American focus is on politics, the leaders of the country and not on protecting the American people.


U.S.A. (pop. 334,798,843)

  • CoV19 Reported Cases: 111,820,082
  • Current Reported Deaths:(CFR: 1.11%): 1,212,123 estimated actual: 1,516,369
  • Cured: 109,814,428
  • Beta experimental: All time reported + unreported asymptomatic people maybe not sick, not immune, but possibly infectious and including the many people who have had several mild or asymptomatic infections: 606,547,714.43
  • 181.17% of the USA may have been infected or even reinfected including reported + estimated unreported mild and estimated asymptomatic (606,547,714.43) human infections, some of which may not have been ill in their first course of the disease, but could have spread the disease.
  • 1.11% is USA current Case Fatality Rate (CFR) &
  • 0.25% is estimated inferred average Infection Fatality Rate (IFR)
  • 1,516,369 estimated total COVID-19 deaths including unreported likely-cause excess deaths. According to projections of IHME, IHME calculation of excess deaths is slightly higher than what CSPaD is estimating.
Rest of the world excluding USA.
  • CoV19 Cases: 692,194,540
  • Deaths: 24,742,050 | 3.38%
  • Cured: 525,713,500
  • Reported + estimated all unreported 4,446,200,859

Note: Total statistics for the United States do not include these offshore territories. The US Military is included as if it is an offshore territory, not reported as continental USA data but as USA overall totals and included in world totals. FPMag evaluates these separately for many reasons.

Continental US109,683,1311,212,123 | 1.11%107,745,468
+US Military740,942690 | 0.1%733,533
+Guam61,139420 | 0.7%60,681
+Puerto Rico 1,286,5286,081 | 0.47%1,003,492
+US Virgin Islands25,389132 | 0.5%25,114
+Northern Mariana Islands14,59441 | 0.3%0
+American Samoa8,35934 | 0.4%0

The American Epicenter including ALL Territories has 0.55 % of global 'active' cases (786,167 USA (incl territories) / 142,532,521 Global), people infected with COVID-19 now.

Abundant proof that vaccines are working, an observation derived from unrelated data analysis.

As the epicenter we look at continental USA together with US territories and without. The significant decline in Case Fatality Rate (CFR) in the continental United States particularly, during 2 0 2 1, since vaccines became available, is believed to be due to vaccination rates and is abundant proof that the vaccines are working.

In order to avoid letting countries that refuse to report the sum of case recoveries, thus skewing global calculations, Burundi, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Britain, most provinces of Canada, Ecuador, FaeroeIslands, Falklands, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Hong Kong, Iceland, Mongolia, Laos, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Ukraine, South Korea, Tunisia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Spain and Sweden 'recoveries' are estimated based on the current reported global recoveries as a percentage of all cases. (([reported recoveries]) divide (804,014,622 [Global Reported Sum of All Cases] less 39,056,381 [France Sum of Cases] less 1,076,087 [Ecuador Sum of Cases] less 13,980,340 [Spain Sum of Cases] less 8,635,896 [Netherlands Sum of Cases] less 2,754,129 [Sweden Sum of Cases] less 4,572,667 [Peru Sum of Cases])) = 78% a coefficient which is then adjusted according to the number of cases in the past 30 days and the new coefficient is applied to the sum of each of these nation's cumulative cases to estimate the missing recoveries data. In the case of France some additional hospital-sourced recovery data is factored.

All USASum of CasesDeathsRecoveredActive
Continental USA109,683,1311,212,123107,745,468725,540

See The Lancet estimate of excess mortality from COVID-19 (Download PDF) in 191 countries/territories and 252 subnational units of select countries, from 1 January 2 0 2 0, to 31 December 2 0 2 1.

See also IHME Estimates for America.

From CCNN on YouTube: Jake Tapper to Alex Azar: Why was the US hit harder by coronavirus?