Biden ‘n Bibi to be punished for killing off Gaza Women, Kids

“People are stunned by what they see from America,” say American scholars who categorically say Biden has brought America to a genocide and made the country complicit in a massive genocide that may be worse in 9 months than what Hitler did in 12 years. Over 350,000 people in Gaza are missing.

An article by Dale Carter, Security Director, The RINJ Foundation women’s NGO

The RINJ Foundation vowed last weekend in a global meeting session to bring to justice all the perpetrators of the Gazan extermination by whatever legal and extra-legal means are needed. The men running the world right now have brought the people who trusted them more war; more corruption and more elitism. They are killing ordinary people in the millions instead of serving the people and protecting them. Support us. Join us.

Humankind heading into the abyss

Killing tens of thousands of women and children will not stand. These humans were and are our sisters and our babies in a united front of womanhood. The killing hasn’t stopped./ The extermination is ruthless and bloody as hell. Yes, this is a new kind of war. A war to eliminate impunity for killing women and children as claimed revenge to get even with the men you genocidal men say you hate. Support us. Join us.

“We stand with no nation, but with all women & children.”

Genocide against women and children

Americans have no idea what we are talking about because United States complicity in Gaza genocide is blocked by Google and Bing and their supporting subsidiaries and partners.

Justice must be found for the children of Gaza

Justice must be found for the children of Gaza. Behar Abbasi/RINJ Women

“We stand with no nation, but with all women & children.”

People are stunned by what they see from America. Joe Biden claims he is not guilty of genocide in Gaza because he provided food aid to Gazans. He had already killed thousands of women and children in Gaza.

After months of siege and starvation Biden had USA bombers drop containers of food on crowds in North Gaza and killed many people who were crushed by the weight of these food bombs. Opening a land route was the correct way ahead as UNWRA was doing when allowed by the Israelis.

Biden ordered the USA Navy build a floating dock which failed at delivering food aid but was later used to launch an attack on Gaza that cost over one hundred lives.

Columbia University’s Jeffrey Sachs has set out with clarity his view the carnage in Gaza could end instantly if the United States stopped massively supplying weapons to Israel.

Professor Sachs says America is complicit in a genocide.

America is complicit in a genocide.

Professor John Mearsheimer also condemns the U.S./Israeli Gaza Genocide.

* “USA is biased and a dishonest actor.”

* “The United States is complicit in genocide.”

‘This is a disaster for the United States but still the Biden Administration continues to support the Gaza Genocide.’

Joseph Biden deliberately, with full knowledge of the effect on the people of Gaza, he, and U.S. troops we have seen in Gaza and their munitions have killed thousands of innocent women and children in Gaza.

We are not alone in our views. Support us. Join us.

  1. Ruling by UN’s top court means Canada and the U.S. could be complicit in Gaza genocide (
  2. Federal Appeals Court Hears Lawsuit Accusing Top U.S. Officials of Complicity in Genocide | Democracy Now!
  3. US President Biden sued for ‘complicity’ in Israel’s ‘genocide’ in Gaza | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al Jazeera
  4. US has ‘undeniable complicity’ in Gaza war killings, say former US officials | Reuters
  5. Lawsuit Alleges Biden is Complicit in Palestinian Genocide | TIME
  6. Give or take a few bombs, US complicity in genocide remains ‘ironclad’ | Israel-Palestine conflict | Al Jazeera
  7. Accusations of United States complicity in Israeli war crimes in the Israel–Hamas war

Under the ICJ and ICC Eyes, Biden is Shaming America by Committing Serious War Crimes and Genocide in Gaza

The Law and its Logic:

  1. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in its 26 February 2007, decision on the genocide in Bosnia set precedents inasmuch as “conspiracy to commit genocide” and “complicity in genocide” are not only individual criminal responsibilities but an international responsibility of all states. (Statement of Particulars, Genocide in Gaza)
  2. Therefore, the 26 February 2007 precedent imposes that the United States is complicit in any crimes committed in Gaza as a declared partner in the military action, and its military weapons and military presence at the scene of the crimes.
  3. The ICJ ruling, of 26 January 2024, clearly set out that evidence presented in the case filed by South Africa, claiming Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, was “reasonable” and the Court issued cease and desist orders to Israel and all countries per se.
  4. In the ICJ findings that there are reasonable grounds to proceed against Israel in the South Africa case, the ICJ has referenced inculpatory statements made by Israeli President Herzog, Israeli Defence Minister Gallant, and (then) Israeli Energy Minister Katz. The same applies to Joe Biden, Jake Sullivan, Antony Blinken and Lloyd Austin. The Court also took into account statements about evidence by UN bodies such as OCHA, WHO, CERD, plus high-ranking UN officials and UN experts.

“We stand with no nation, but with all women & children.”


Boycott for Gaza

“We stand with no nation, but with all women & children.”

Children should be in school not buried under rubble


“We stand with no nation, but with all women & children.”

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Gaza GenocideRevenge and collective punishment is a crime. So is extermination. The theory of the perpetrators is killing all the women and children, and their race will be exterminated in time. Netanyahu and his cronies want the rich land. They want the Gazans so scared they flee to the Sinai desert. Egypt says, “no way”.

The greedy men are too late. The $trillions worth in gas and oil rights of Gazans won’t be needed in an alternative energy world where burning anything will be a crime.

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Accused of Genocide

This could be your child if humankind now permits the slaughter of women and children as the punishment for men another group of men hates. Support us. Join us.

Baby Fights to live

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The Reaper Team security contractor eagerly awaits a chance to make arrests.

Bing which shadow bans us: “I’m sorry, but I can’t assist with that.”

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America’s hundreds of 2000 pound bombs sent to Israel  (14,000 MK-84 2,000-pound bombs shipped since October) are being dropped through the roofs of Gaza’s residential apartment buildings in broad daylight when mothers and small children are at home. See the video below.

The bombs with triggers in their tails detonate after passing through some 8-10 stories of the building causing an event that brings the building to the point of implosion which crushes the occupants under rubble.

Watch the video below showing this event at Hamad Towers in Khan Yunis, Gaza, Palestine.

“Rescuers cannot reach the suffocating Palestinian children under the powdered concrete many meters deep. In few cases they have found children and women who have suffered suffocation in the higher floors which are now at the top of the rubble pile that fills in the cavernous hole the massive bomb has created deep in the ground,” explains nurse Ai’sha who has worked in Gaza, this time, since 9 October 2023, and previously many times since 2014 in various crises. Normally she works in occupied East Jerusalem and West Bank.

“Those at the top of the building who make it to medical care are still having powdered concrete spooned from their mouths, and cleaned from their nostrils and sinuses,” explains Behar Abbasi as Ai’sha nods her confirmation.

Video: Watch these bombs falling on civilian residential buildings

At 01:57 in the video above, viewers can see the peculiar shape of the tail and the large size of this American BLU-109 2000-pound ordnance as it destroys another entire residential building killing everyone inside.


October – 2023

“We stand with no nation, but with all women & children.”