Statisticians and scientists agree Canada can drop COVID-Mandates if hospital beds are increased.

Canada Hospitalizations per Million Canadians

These are scary numbers. Number of COVID-19 patients in Canadian hospitals per million Canadians. Period: March 2020 through 9 February 2022. Source: Civil Society Partners against COVID-19
See all Canada COVID-19 Data

A globally assembled group of medical experts including epidemiologists, infectious disease researchers, nurses, physicians and policy experts in the human rights context was gathered on Zoom for an article in Feminine-Perspective Magazine.

The data considered: 

  • Canada has too few hospital beds.
  • Hospitalizations in Canada have only dropped slightly in February 2022.
  • Hospitalizations are at crisis level for Canada.
  • Deaths from COVID-19 are increasing and will continue to increase in February through early March 2022 according to the CSPaC COVID-19 tracking team in Singapore.
  • The cost of increasing hospital beds is less than the cost of tanking the economy.
Canada COVID-19

Canada COVID-109 Daily Active Cases.
Source CSPaC.

Graph below: Daily active cases individual daily data.

Canada recent daily active COVID-19 Cases

Canada recent daily active COVID-19 Cases. Source: Civil Society Partners against COVID-19

Here are the reported and estimated Canada data.

CanadaCases DeathsCuredActive
Reported:4,956,11559,330 1.2% CFR4,878,11218,673
Estimate:27,407,31677,129 *0.28% IFR26,975,959103,262

Above source: Civil Society Partners against COVID-19 for 07/16/2024

Chart below: Recent cumulative deaths from COVID-19

Canada COVID-19 Deaths 2021

Canada COVID-19 Deaths 2021 Source

Increase the number of hospital beds permanently to eliminate COVID-19 Mandates

“Statistics indicate Canada should increase the number of hospital beds in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Alberta, in no particular order,” says Dr. Harris of the Civil Society Partners against COVID-19. 

“Also, there is a problem with seniors homes and how they are constructed and managed. Expect another pandemic like this one within four years and that will be a guideline for how to plan, senior’s facilities.”

Once the plan is in place to increase hospital beds, Canadians should be able to wash their hands of COVID-19 government mandates, says the group of experts gathered from around the world to discuss the matter. Businesses, schools and institutions should continue to govern their assemblies as always, in the interest of public health and safety. It is clear that Canadians know mask wearing, hand hygiene and vaccinations are indicated by the current threats to public health and safety.

“Government’s role from now forward should be to advise, we suggest, and not to over reach its authority which is now the case. It is unlikely that most Canadian COVID-19 mandates would withstand a Charter Challenge in the coming weeks, say several lawyers, consulted by the epidemiology group,” says Geraldine Frisque who coordinated the group consultation with medical experts around the world.