The greatest threat to the safety of Women and Girls is War

“Escaping violence while protecting yourself and your children is a heroic act,” says Dale Carter, security director for The RINJ Foundation.

Policy: War is the greatest threat to all females ♀

“Our policy is to oppose all warfighting, and to help women survive men’s wars,” says RINJ boss, Katie Alsop.

In 12 years of quietly helping women and girls inside hidden war-zone women’s shelters, rape clinics, birthing clinics and health care facilities, the women of The RINJ Foundation have determined that “the greatest threat to the safety of women and girls is war”.

By Sharon Santiago and Micheal John

That statement applies to all wars including the sacred NATO/USA proxy war, against Russia in Ukraine which has harmed millions of women and girls. Yes, millions are either killed, casualties, or displaced from their homes, their families and from their normal lives.

  • Women and girls suffer violence more than men during war.
  • Women and girls are raped by all sides in the warfighting as a way to punish the enemy and to create a genocidal baby boom.
  • The rape of girls in war is considered by men to be “the spoils of war”.
  • Women and their families suffer economic hardship from the cost of lost employment during war. This leads to famine and starvation if not just the health hazards of malnutrition.
  • Women are abducted into wars and forced to become sex slaves and suicide bombers.

“Sexual violence in conflict needs to be treated as the war crime that it is—it can no longer be treated as an unfortunate collateral damage of war.” UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Ms. Zainab Hawa Bangura

Your house is bombed, your husband is a soldier away fighting, so now you live in your vehicle. What next? Photo Credit: Khaled Akacha/ UNICEF. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto FPMag

Among the women fighting Gender Based Violence in the war in Donbass is Luhansk PR Minister of Health, Natalia Pashchenko.


Workers organize activities for mothers and child days for years in the Donbass region of the former Ukraine, sometimes with the support of great women in government.

Minister of Health of the LPR, Natalia Pashchenko attended our Women and Child activity in the video above. Photo courtesy LPR MoH. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto FPMag via Feminine-Perspective-Magazine.


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