Infanticide and femicide clash with nature at womanhood’s core

stop killing women and children

The death toll of the Nuseirat massacre has risen to 274, including 64 children and 57 women. USA and Israel, you must stop killing women and children to punish the men you do not like. First of all, it is cowardly. Also, it is criminal conduct that reveals your psychopathy and your addiction to power. Your constituents will catch on. Photo Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

Imagine this. You are an American soldier killing civilians in Gaza. You are told to help do what you now realize is the massacre of civilians, probably ethnic cleansing, and some say genocide.

Many of the target population is little babies and the majority of the population is women and children. Meanwhile your wife has just delivered a child which you adore with your whole being.

How would your wife react if she learned you killed babies for a living as a soldier every single day?

How would she put that to you as she with child in arms fled your bloody existence to be as far from you as she could get with your child whose safety she put ahead of her own?

As the largest private women’s organization in the world, imagine that we deal with those broken women’s hearts every day on our HelpLine .

Our message is, don’t do this to anyone. If you wish to speak with a counsellor: (confidential)


All women are little girls who grew bigger.

When demons try to kill a little girl,
they try to kill part of our human being,
a part of all women; and
a part of humanity all women must protect.

Dr. Nassima al Amouri
Medical Director
The RINJ Foundation.

Justice needed to bring women from the darkness

Read the Statement of Particulars, Genocide in Gaza, Complainant: The RINJ Foundation, a Canadian Non-Profit Corporation representing deceased Women and Children in Gaza plus their living families.

Art: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

“Women can’t handle the scenes of evil men slaughtering children.
It’s a clash with nature at womanhood’s core.”

Melissa Hemingway, RSAC Nurse and FPM scribe.

Searching for equality

Only cowardly men slaughter unarmed women and children.

American and Israeli massive infanticides and femicides.

“One needs to be very sick-in-the-head to permit thousands of infanticides and femicides–and then giving the murderers more bombs. The world must stop listening to the sick bastards running this bloody macabre scene from a Quentin Tarantino blood-fest. This is not Hollywood. Those are real babies your males are slaughtering.”

Rosa Yamamoto
Art Director, scribe, and founding member The RINJ Foundation

Punishing enemies by bombing their women and babies.

Disproportionate force against innocent people, including children. This must stop.