Most pornography is misogynistic and dangerous.

About 90% of the porn online contains extensive verbal or physical aggression toward women. And yes, some contains aggression and violence toward men. Neither is acceptable. There’s nothing healthy about any form of violence.

Searching for Equality

Women in search of equality in all things, in all ways, always. Photo credit: Ekrumis Fasions – Photo is cropped. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

When you remove humanity from the images, you are often successful in removing the humanity from the viewer. As viewers of our pornographic imaging society we can easily and innocently get subconsciously hijacked by the seductive and addictive nature of these images. Human sexuality can be one of the most powerful, sacred, communion human experiences available. When you cut the Heart and Humanity out of sex, you go a long way to desensitize, numb and dumb down the human being. That leads to a tolerance for sexual exploitation, is our investigators findings.

Read the Full Study:  Most Pornography Is Misogynistic