Netanyahu, Biden et alia brought humanity to the abyss

The words are from Doctor Nassima al Amouri, a RINJ Women medical director. Read the interview excerpts and watch for the video. Art by Rosa

“The Free World has endorsed killing women and kids—the so-called Free World even supplied the weapons in extremely massive quantities.

“Never in history has such a holocaust against women and children taken place. Hence humanity is at the apocalyptic abyss. The end has begun. All these sick leaders must be removed, or humanity will never be free.”—Dr. Nassima al Amouri. The RINJ Foundation,



Agnès Callamard from Amnesty International speaks about Gaza

Short news items for the week of 10 June – 16 June

The Houthis in Yemen have vowed to continue attacking Israeli-owned ships and vessels transporting goods to Israel until the Israeli genocide in Gaza stops. However, the United States has chosen to attack Yemen on behalf of Israel, claiming that the Houthis’ actions are unrelated to the Israeli war in Gaza.

G7 leaders said on Friday, “We agree it is critical that UNRWA and other UN organizations and agencies’ distribution networks be fully able to deliver aid to those who need it most, fulfilling their mandate effectively.
“Securing full, rapid, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access in all its forms – consistent with international humanitarian law, and through all relevant land crossing points, including the Rafah crossing, through maritime delivery routes, including through Ashdod Port – and throughout all of Gaza remains an absolute priority,” they said.

Israel’s military said Saturday night that eight soldiers were killed in southern Gaza in a mine explosion and ambush.


Only justice can help the women and children of Gaza and Palestine as a whole, emerge from the darkness of death and destruction and begin to heal. Art by Rosa Yamamoto.