Media exploiting COVID19-Scares as PayWall-Grab reprehensible.

The RINJ Women complain about media using paywall on COVID 19 Scares

Families are already stressed to the limit. Women and children are scared half out of their minds. Canadians are dying at the rate of 5 out of every 200 cases of the disease caused by the original zoonotic SARS-CoV-2 but the new variants are making that worse and the infection rate is about 140% of the original wild variant.

Food is more expensive, medicine is costly and employment is scarce. Now the Toronto Star says

The headlines and story lines like this one are scaring people who want to know more. The requirement is that they must risk putting a credit card out there on the internet and pay every week, doesn’t seem morally just.

“The spread of the B.1.1.7 variant of COVID-19 in Ontario has seen an average daily growth rate of just over 12 per cent since late January, a new Star analysis finds.”

Internet visitors must hand over their credit card information across the internet and pay money to find out how much new danger they face from the murderous COVID-19 virus variants.

Exploiting the COVID-19 for cash gains is very common. It must be stamped out.

Screen Capture of Toronto Star article asking for money if readers want to learn “Here’s how the aggressive strain of COVID-19 is moving across the province.”
(Pay first if you want to know your fate?)

When we look at the world we see Humans.
When the Toronto Star looks at the world it sees money.
The RINJ Women complain about media using paywall on COVID 19 Scares