The Gaza Genocide Updates

The Gaza Genocide Updates

We are opposed to the mass murder of women and children. Today another 68 were killed by Israel using American munitions in Gaza.

Photo Art, cropping, enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

“Evil men’s wars kill or maim women & children more than their wars harm the men who start & fight their wars. Men’s remote control missiles, drones, bombs, plus siege, starvation, disease & bio/chemical invisible weapons murder us innocents as men hide.”
RINJ Women
“Humanity is sliding into the abyss of extermination.” Dr. Nassima al Amour Women Medical Director


Google has restricted this video. It has restricted all our content that reports on events in Gaza. We are not alone, but being women, we suffer greater oppression.

Article by Monique Deslauriers, Executive Director, USA The RINJ Foundation

This video has no gruesome content except the simplest of facts. There are no dead babies from amongst the thousands the accused have killed in Gaza, and no sexual violence.

It’s a genocide, however, and Americans have been prevented from hearing about that under the Biden Administration. Eventually he will be indicted as will others.

Google has plagued us with shadow-banning, censorship and more since the beginning of the recent siege on Gaza in October 2023 because in October 2023 The RINJ Foundation filed a case in the International Criminal Court against The United States and Israel for Crimes Against Humanity in Gaza. Months later, much of the world agreed.

We know what is happening in Gaza because we are there. We have been in Gaza since 2014 and occasionally in the years prisor since 2010, although we keep that quiet. Why? For safety.


Israelis with American help, bombed a women’s shelter and OBGYN clinic in north Gaza in early March killing 5 RINJ Foundation humanitarian workers present, 12 infants two male parents and 16 women attending the infants. Since 7 October we have lost 38 people. In the years prior in Gaza we have lost one person only.

Nobody will talk about the massive slaughters of women as a strategy to kill off the race of people who live in Gaza. First of all, the people in Gaza are Arabs and America is a White Supremacist and very violent racist nation. Secondly, the people being slaughtered are mostly women and girls and women don’t matter—-worse since the Pandemic. What I am referring to is the extremist right-wing culture in Israel.

By curtailing information about the Gaza Genocide, Google risks being accused of complicity in crimes against humanity. We are working on that. Microsoft/Bing is much worse and in an incredible fashion blocks information about American and Israeli atrocities. It’s mind boggling. the extent this reaches.

Tune in TRT-English (Republic of Türkiye) or al Jazeera to see what truths you are missing. Or coem to Gaza. Contact me: I can organize your visit.

My name is Monique and as an American, I have traveled to Gaza, West Bank, and Israel many times. It is shocking to see truths that are concealed from Americans.

Mainstream media and both Google and Microsoft (Bing) control the information flow at the behest of political Parties.

In this case, if the Biden Administration is found to be complicit and therefore inciting genocide, so is Google and the other media entities.

Google and Bing are media. Their role is using available content and selling advertising on that content, Google doesn’t create content, it uses that of our content that appeals to corporate advertisers.

We fight for the rights of women strongly. We fight hard for women’s safety and women’s rights. Nobody in corporations wants that shit, right? It’s a problem in America.



Dehumanizing Palestinian people built normalcy of ethnic cleansing by other names. America’s and Israel’s genocidal narrative opens a door to savage disposal of Palestine. It is happening. The U.N. stopped promoting a two-state solution and its people are being killed in the hundreds.

Mass murdering women and children in an Apartheid which definition is confirmed by the ICJ, is unforgivable and unforgettable. Biden is accused as an American thug no better than Benjamin Netanyahu. Biden’s foreign affairs and his military Secretaries are scurrilous purveyors of extreme violence from Afghanistan to the Philippines.
“With world tensions being more dangerous now than at any time in history, the U.S. Congress would be mindless to allow these men to remain in office without extreme oversight and restrictions. The situational condition of these scurrilous men leaves them with nothing to lose and that coupled with their arrogance, belligerence, and propensity for violence makes them dangerous to the entire world.
“What’s more, Biden has blithely reached the ultimate crime. Deliberately with willfulness and full knowledge murdering innocent women and babies with bombs, targeting technology, and U.S. manpower is reprehensible thuggery, punishable by death under 18 U.S. Code § 1091; and punishable with long imprisonment in the Rome Statute, and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide” reads an internal memo from the Board of Directors.

The RINJ Foundation

Lame Duck Genocide Joe must Go. Harris must clean his mess.