Senator Amy Klobuchar says Vote In Person. Too late for mail-ins.

Donald Trump’s administration has launched a vigorous voter suppression campaign in the United States and Democracy for Blacks under Trump seems to be vacated.

“What we have seen this year which is completely unprecedented … is a concerted national Republican effort across the country in every one of the states that has had a legal battle to make it harder for citizens to vote,” said Trevor Potter, a former chair of the Federal Election Commission.

A concerted national Republican effort has been launched in every one of the states to make it harder for citizens to vote, has caused the Minnesota Senator to say “Vote in Person at the early voting polls.” Senator Amy Klobuchar, of Minnesota, “is one of those women, who when she starts to speak I know it will be what I need to hear.”

“Vote in Person,” says RINJ (USA) Director

“Apparently,” said Deslaurier to Feminine-Perspective Magazine‘s Melissa Hemingway, “two GOP ‘judges’ hijacked the mail-in voting system in Minnesota for Donald Trump.”

“This voter suppression tactic has been occurring right across the United States of America. Donald Trump can only win by cheating, hence he is cheating,” says Deslaurier who hails from Calais, Maine.

“It is complicated, but what it is all about is that ballots sent to voters, about half a million of them in Minnesota, have text on them saying that they must be postmarked before or on the final voting day.”

“The two GOP judges ruled against the one Democrat judge, for Donald Trump, that ‘votes must not be counted after election day’ no matter when it was mailed. That would mean that the ballots must be received by Election Day, not postmarked on Election Day, she explained.

Senator Amy Klobuchar urges voters from Minnesota, in fact all voters, to drop-off their mail-in ballot and not mail it. The USPS has become dysfunctional under Trump who appointed a campaign worker ro ruin the post office since June.