No forgiving a man who rips babies from mothers

‘There can be no forgiving a man who rips babies from mothers’ arms—a man who now seeks to exploit and disenfranchise the most vulnerable of Earth’s citizens. Donald Trump must be prosecuted and dispatched to prison while his misled and betrayed supporters debriefed, rehabilitated, and welcomed to a kinder, caring and cooperative society.” — Board statement of the global RINJ Women

“Pandemic-Safe Ballots” in a struggling nation having more than ten million COVID-19 infections were part of a 2020 mail-in voting strategy to protect the health of American Families from COVID-19. Donalkd Trump had other plans.

Donald Trump has set out to exploit the weakest citizens who strive to stay alive through the SARS2 pandemic.

Read: Trump crime plan to disenfranchise vulnerable Americans and destroy a democracy

‘There can be no forgiving a man who rips babies from mothers’ arms—a man who now seeks to exploit and disenfranchise the most vulnerable of Earth’s citizens. Donald Trump must be prosecuted and dispatched to prison while his misled and … Continue reading 


The Donald Trump style of rabble rousing, lies & muck raking tactics appeal to a lower intelligence quotient which is the person consumer protectors call “the credulous citizen” who must be protected from false advertising & bogus, unsafe products. Politics has no such oversight. It should. Meanwhile Trump must be prosecuted for his conspiracy and exploitation and disenfranchisement of America’s most vulnerable whom US laws were intended to protect.

Society has oversight for false advertising and bad or unsafe products, but from politicians who lie and deceive voters the credulous citizen is unprotected. Photo Courtesy The RINJ Foundation. Read:  “Protecting Credulous Voters From Unscrupulous Politicians.