Donald Trump war on Black Lives Matter: Jacob Blake Shooting

Donald Trump’s war on Black Lives Matter continues as two police officers in Wisconsin hold a man by his shirt and shoot him in the back seven times.

In a statement issued by Katie Alsop of The RINJ Foundation, the global women’s group blamed Donald Trump in the White House for the escalating murders of race-identified poor in America.

Wisconsin police shoot Black man in back 7x. (Trump Race-War Update)  Donald Trump’s race-war on non-whites has now touched the lives of these children seen here with their daddy, Jacob Blake. Clearly, there are enraged communities in Wisconsin.

“Listening to the Milwaukee news broadcasts for the past few hours indicates to me that Donald Trump has created a cavalier attitude and even an endorsement culture for the murder of Blacks by federal, state and local law enforcement.”

American culture that despises non-whites and women.

“I looked at Mr. Jacob Blake’s babies in a photograph and I decided that women must make war on this evil and I mean women from all around the world. must wake up to the danger of the murderous American culture that despises non-whites and women.

“Leading a campaign where the murder of people identified by race, gender or political stripe must stop.

“I am so angry at this disgusting racism of Donald Trump that has now begun to permeate around the world and influence other despotic leaders who take encouragement from Trump, killing dissenters, the poor, and marginalized ethnicities.”


Mr. Jacob Blake was shot seven times by Kenosha City Police in Wisconsin USA after 17:11 local time on Sunday and later transported via Flight for Life to Froedtert in Milwaukee in serious condition. Photo Credit: Family member. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto FPMag

General Milley and Donald Trump and William Barr attack Black Lives Matter protesters sending troops into Lafayette Park to bash heads and chemical bomb crowds of reporters and peaceful demonstrators. Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead Cropping and art by Rosa Yamamoto/FPMag;