America under fire for COVID-19 Fail

“Humanity’s “win” against nature is not always a given. The reason why early prevention is so critical with pandemics is because they can quickly spiral out of control. They can spur other pandemics and calamities, and the survival of humanity itself could be in peril.”—Dr. Bandy Xenobia Lee, an American psychiatrist with Yale University.

“When you do testing to that extent, you’re gonna find more people you’re gonna find more cases. So I said to my people slow the testing down, please.”

“When you do testing to that extent, you’re gonna find more people you’re gonna find more cases. So I said to my people slow the testing down, please.”

“The United States has become a threat to world health, a threat to humanity. The World seems to agree with Europe that Americans should stay home.” — Dr. Buni, The RINJ Foundation

Feminine-Perspective Magazine asked seven medical practitioners and the response was, [paraphrased] “This translates to, ‘people should get sick and the more than 5.5% who will die can die in silence in their homes’.

The 5.5% refers to the current death rate in the United States of the total number of confirmed cases.

Computer scientist Fred Harris explained this for a previous article by saying, “The CDC is predicting 20,000 additional American  deaths in the next three weeks. That number is low for sure. It is this simple. There are roughly 1.2 million American unresolved cases of COVID-19 in the United States. These are cases where the patient has not died and has not recovered. The current death rate of confirmed cases is 5.6% hence there will be 67,200 deaths from the current cases. With a rate of infection at 21,000 per day on average, and that could change either way, there will be another 1,120 deaths per day once those cases have matured to about 28 days. That’s the statistical reality of this disease.” said Mr. Harris

U.S.A. (pop. 334,798,843)

  • CoV19 Reported Cases: 111,820,082
  • Current Reported Deaths:(CFR: 1.11%): 1,212,123 estimated actual: 1,516,369
  • Cured: 109,814,428
  • Beta experimental: All time reported + unreported asymptomatic people maybe not sick, not immune, but possibly infectious and including the many people who have had several mild or asymptomatic infections: 606,547,714.43
  • 181.17% of the USA may have been infected or even reinfected including reported + estimated unreported mild and estimated asymptomatic (606,547,714.43) human infections, some of which may not have been ill in their first course of the disease, but could have spread the disease.
  • 1.11% is USA current Case Fatality Rate (CFR) &
  • 0.25% is estimated inferred average Infection Fatality Rate (IFR)
  • 1,516,369 estimated total COVID-19 deaths including unreported likely-cause excess deaths. According to projections of IHME, IHME calculation of excess deaths is slightly higher than what CSPaD is estimating.
Rest of the world excluding USA.
  • CoV19 Cases: 692,194,540
  • Deaths: 24,742,050 | 3.38%
  • Cured: 525,713,500
  • Reported + estimated all unreported 4,446,200,859

Note: Total statistics for the United States do not include these offshore territories. The US Military is included as if it is an offshore territory, not reported as continental USA data but as USA overall totals and included in world totals. FPMag evaluates these separately for many reasons.

Continental US109,683,1311,212,123 | 1.11%107,745,468
+US Military740,942690 | 0.1%733,533
+Guam61,139420 | 0.7%60,681
+Puerto Rico 1,286,5286,081 | 0.47%1,003,492
+US Virgin Islands25,389132 | 0.5%25,114
+Northern Mariana Islands14,59441 | 0.3%0
+American Samoa8,35934 | 0.4%0

The American Epicenter including ALL Territories has 0.55 % of global 'active' cases (786,167 USA (incl territories) / 142,532,521 Global), people infected with COVID-19 now.

Abundant proof that vaccines are working, an observation derived from unrelated data analysis.

As the epicenter we look at continental USA together with US territories and without. The significant decline in Case Fatality Rate (CFR) in the continental United States particularly, during 2 0 2 1, since vaccines became available, is believed to be due to vaccination rates and is abundant proof that the vaccines are working.

In order to avoid letting countries that refuse to report the sum of case recoveries, thus skewing global calculations, Burundi, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Britain, most provinces of Canada, Ecuador, FaeroeIslands, Falklands, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Hong Kong, Iceland, Mongolia, Laos, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Ukraine, South Korea, Tunisia, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Spain and Sweden 'recoveries' are estimated based on the current reported global recoveries as a percentage of all cases. (([reported recoveries]) divide (804,014,622 [Global Reported Sum of All Cases] less 39,056,381 [France Sum of Cases] less 1,076,087 [Ecuador Sum of Cases] less 13,980,340 [Spain Sum of Cases] less 8,635,896 [Netherlands Sum of Cases] less 2,754,129 [Sweden Sum of Cases] less 4,572,667 [Peru Sum of Cases])) = 78% a coefficient which is then adjusted according to the number of cases in the past 30 days and the new coefficient is applied to the sum of each of these nation's cumulative cases to estimate the missing recoveries data. In the case of France some additional hospital-sourced recovery data is factored.

All USASum of CasesDeathsRecoveredActive
Continental USA109,683,1311,212,123107,745,468725,540

See The Lancet estimate of excess mortality from COVID-19 (Download PDF) in 191 countries/territories and 252 subnational units of select countries, from 1 January 2 0 2 0, to 31 December 2 0 2 1.

See also IHME Estimates for America.


Trump Election Rally has nearly 7000 persons congregated in an unsafe environment, 20 June 2020, Tulsa Oklahoma. No masks, no separation.

Travel Bans, The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Travel bans are not encouraged by the World Health Organization.

The WHO is encouraging quarantine methodology coupled to testing and isolation.

Specifically: (Source: World Health Organization. Please read more here.)

  • Entry screening: temperature screening alone may not be very effective as it may miss travellers incubating the disease or travellers concealing fever during travel, or it may yield false positive (fever of a different cause). If temperature screening is implemented, it should be accompanied with:
    • Health messages: Dissemination of health messages and travel notices informing persons on signs, symptoms and where to seek medical support if needed.
    • Primary questionnaire: Development and use of forms to collect information on symptoms, history of exposure and contact information.
    • Data collection and analysis: Establishment of proper mechanisms for collection and analysis of data generated from the entry screening for the rapid evaluation and response.

Suspected cases detected at arrival

  • Personnel and supplies: Trained personnel should be available for the early detection and initial evaluation of cases and equipped with the needed supplies.
  • Interview and initial management: A separate space should be designated for the initial assessment of suspected cases and the interview of contacts.
  • Fast track pathway and transport: A separate pathway should be delineated to rapidly refer suspected cases to the designated hospital/facility for further evaluation to avoid contact with the other passengers. Arrangement for safe transportation of suspected cases to the designated hospital/facility should also be in place.
  • Contingency plan: A functional public health emergency contingency plan at point of entry should be in place to respond to public health events.
  • Disinfection of the Aircraft: In accordance with the aircraft make and model, usage of preferred cleaning chemicals and methods should be consulted to properly disinfect the aircraft. A segregated space at the PoE and trained personnel should be available to clean the aircraft after disembarking passengers.

Source for above: World Health Organization. Please read more here.

Important documented information about Travel during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The harsh reality is that the United States has become dangerous to World Health. (As if it’s jingoism wasn’t already.)

America banned the entire European Union membership from travel to the United States in mid March. Donald Trump and the European Union have been like oil and water since January 2017.

Donald Trump, a former reality TV host became USA President, running partially on a racism platform that claimed former President Barack Obama was not even an American let alone ‘suitable’ to be a US President.

Europe is in mid-June 2020 fearing the intense infection rate in the United States and is considering a ban on Americans traveling to Europe.


Wear a Mask ~ Wash Your hands ~ Keep unclean hands away from face ~ Social Distance 2 Meters

Here is how to wear an N-95 mask:

Making Hand Washing Fun for Family

The following is excerpted from Feminine-Perspective Magazine:

Here is Why Europe and other regions consider a ban on American Travelers.

  1. Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of America’s top Epidemiologists and a member of the so-called Trump COVID-19 Response Team which hasn’t met for two weeks, says the US epidemic response is like “chasing after a forest fire”.
  2. American infection rate is running about 21,000 cases per day this June.
  3. According to David Frum who is a regular columnist in the Atlantic, the American leadership headed by Donald Trump has refused to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and thus the infection rate is out of control.
    “The president is failing, and Americans are paying for his failures,” says Mr. Frum.
  4. “Tens of millions of Americans can not on their own obtain medical support either because they are uninsured or undocumented. This further spreads the infection,” says Dr. Anderson of the RINJ Foundation.
  5. According to George RennieUniversity of Melbourne , who wrote Is America a Failing State?: “Today, the US is not dominant, it is in crisis: convulsed by riots and protest, riven by a virus that has galloped away from those charged with overseeing it, and heading into a presidential election led by a man that has possibly divided the nation like no other before him.”
  6. “America is a country that could not afford to disregard the proper steps for mitigating or preventing the disease because it is among the highest rate of obesity, diabetes, hypertensive heart disease and undetected HIV, HBV and other sexually transmitted infections.” says nurse Monique Deslauriers, a nurse from Calai, Maine.
  7. “America’s infection rates for COVID-19 are the worst in the world and the true death rate is hidden by inadequate testing and deliberate obscurity,” says professor Fred Harris who leads the team gathering data for the world’s leading data source on COVID-19.
  8. COVID-19 is out of control in America and its leadership is taking steps that will worsen the problem,” say unofficial sources within the CDC .
  9. By defunding the World Health Organization the United States has exited the global solidarity effort which may worsen the infectious nature of the American strain of the virus.

The above 9 points are excerpted from an article published in  Feminine-Perspective Magazine with permission..