Proposed Peace Plan for Middle East from Civil Society Women’s Group

07/16/2024 Not one side nor the other is asked to accept any blame. What is asked is that the sides talk. Simple large-stroke solutions can be reached in an instant. Minor disagreements can be set aside for later discussion. A timetable can be created. A dispute resolution mechanism can also be pre-ordained.

The past is the past. It has no place in the present. With forward thinking it is easily seen that all sides can gain significant benefits through cooperation.

Proposed Peace Plan for the Middle East from Civil Society Women’s Group

Download the document: The-RINJ-Foundation-Peace-Plan-Proposal-Republic-of-Iran-and-the-United-States-of-America

Second sober thought should yield a stand down.

  • All sanctions against Iran must be removed immediately. Let all parties, all populations benefit from their own legitimate achievements.
  • The US military and its claimed coalition must remove all military forces from Iraq. That time has come when Iraq must solve its own problems and benefit from its own achievements in the context of its own culture and its own will.
  • Iran will return to the JCPOA and will stand down its attacks against any foreign power and cancel its (revenge) انتقام planning.

Writing in a letter to the United Nations Secretary General, and to  the parties of the 3 January EJK matter in the city of Baghdad, the RINJ Foundation says it has offered a humble suggestion for an immediate stand down in the Middle East.


by Sharon Santiago

United States already prepared to leave Iraq.

The United States has been considering the removal of military assets from Iraq and clearly has a plan for doing so. It should immediately execute the plan which is also consistent with an Iraqi Parliament and Prime Ministerial wish.

Iraq needs global humanitarian support and guidance not armaments. War reparations from the global community must rebuild the destroyed cities that have been bombed to rubble creating an enormous internally displacement of children and their families. A humanitarian disaster has begun to unfold in Iraq.

Humanitarian NGOs Join Voices Against Extra Judicial Killings (EJK) and other Crimes Against Humanity

Across the world civil society has loudly protested the global proclivity of wrong-minded leaders toward extra judicial killing of people that leaders do not like.

Because of its de facto privileged position on the world stage, the United States has a greater than normal responsibility to uphold international law and the the Universal declaration of Human Rights. That may or may not seem fair. It is no less true however, that is reality.

Therefore her Excellency Michelle Bachelet Jeria, the United Nations Human Rights High Commissioner is respectfully asked to consider investigation of the matter of the sudden deaths of the following persons at 33°15′29″N 44°15′22″E (Baghdad, Iraq) on or about 3 January 2020 1 a.m. (local UTC+3).

All sides must agree that allowing an impartial third party take carriage of this file is a suitable way ahead. The parties can file acceptances or grievances with the neutral third party, her Excellency Michelle Bachelet Jeria, the United Nations Human Rights High Commissioner, as they arise, but must also agree that between the parties there shall be no further dialogue on the filed matter and no repetition of this style of conduct.