Civil society wants better and more COVID vaccine to prevent infection for everyone

We have a right to demand Prevention of Infection from our Vaccines. Try harder, with more humanity, and less profit.

“I wonder if this would work better to combat the waning vaccine hesitancy, if ordinary people ‘pulled’ the research (demanded) instead of waiting to have something ‘pushed’ on them,” pondered Dr. Nassima al Amouri. Medical Director of The RINJ Foundation.

“There are a number of novel research paths that are aimed at preventing infection. Some are simply inhalers,” said Dr. al Amouri.

A novel COVID-19 antibody delivery approach has advanced to clinical trials.

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND) funded program, a novel COVID-19 antibody delivery approach has advanced to clinical trials.

This team was awarded $37.6 million to fund the rapid pre-clinical development of DNA-encoded SARs-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies (DMAbs) to prevent COVID-19. DMAbs use a person’s own cells as a factory for making the protective antibodies, simplifying the development and the production process for biologics—which could broaden the use of such novel medicines to the global community.

Human trials.

“The first dosing with this new investigational agent occurred in a first-in-human clinical trial being led  by Pablo Tebas, M.D., professor of Infectious Diseases at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and his team.

The collaborative team was led by David Weiner, Ph.D., The Wistar Institute executive vice president, director of the Vaccine & Immunotherapy Center, and W.W. Smith Charitable Trust Professor in Cancer Research, and included colleagues at The University of Pennsylvania, AstraZeneca, INOVIO Pharmaceuticals, and Indiana University.

“Mark Esser, vice president, Early Vaccines and Immune Therapies div of AstraZeneca, said, “Dosing the first patient with a COVID-19 DMAb candidate is the culmination of hard work from a collaborative public-private partnership. This trial provides an important opportunity to evaluate an innovative technology that could potentially transform how we deliver antibodies and protect against severe infections.”

Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 protection in both laboratory and animal model studies with the DMAbs exhibiting the potential for both prevention and treatment of infection.

The vaccination gambit is on a wrong track. On accounting evidence versus global distribution,  profit appears to be the goal. Preventing infection should be the new goal.

The new DMAbs approach, for example, which includes the AstraZeneca team which from the outset has produced a nonprofit vaccine for a limited time to July 2021, for COVID-19 shows promise for treating existing COVID-19 as well as preventing infection.

I believe there is a need for a smarter SARS2 vaccine that can be an RNA or DNA messenger for inner structure data of the SARS-CoV-2 virus to human cells, & forget dynamically changing spike protein identification which is the virus’s method for grabbing human cells. With precise identification of the deep structure of the virus, a DNA vaccine to teach immune system cells to identify & suppress the virus at its core, not just block spike proteins which disguise often, a vaccine should and could prevent against COVID infection.

That or any other effective approach to preventing infection for any version of SARS-CoV-2 needs to be a human goal to finally ensure the safety and health of women and their families that they need and demand.

CEO, The RINJ Foundation

07/16/2024 COVID-19 Data for The Entire World from CSPaC

SARS2 Update 2024-07-16 05:13 GMT

  • 255 Regions reported 804,014,622 cases
  • 142,532,521 cases active
  • 25,954,173 people reported killed by COVID-19
  • 3.38% is current Case Fatality Rate (CFR)
  • 635,527,928 survived COVID-19

Beta Technology Global Estimates

EPICENTER: USA (109,683,131)

  • 181.17% of the USA may have been infected or even reinfected including reported + estimated unreported mild and estimated asymptomatic (606,547,714.43) human infections, some of which may not have been ill in their first course of the disease, but could have spread the disease.
  • 1.11% is USA current Case Fatality Rate (CFR) &
  • 0.25% is estimated inferred average Infection Fatality Rate (IFR)
  • 1,516,369 estimated total COVID-19 deaths including unreported likely-cause excess deaths. According to projections of IHME, IHME calculation of excess deaths is slightly higher than what CSPaD is showing.

Above Data Source: Civil Society Partners against COVID-19