Protesting misogyny, RINJ Foundation closes accounts on Twitter, Facebook which elevated misogyny to new levels of violence

Women face many types of attacks online, one of these including sexualised disinformation. It can be defined as, “a subset of online gendered abuse that uses false or misleading gender and sex-based narratives against women, often with some degree of coordination, aimed at deterring women from participating in the public sphere. It combines three defining characteristics of online disinformation: falsity, malign intent, and coordination”. This type of harassment is planned and set in motion intentionally with the aim of silencing women who raise their voices on social media, and the abusers often deploy both sex- and race-based narratives, compounding the threat for women of colour. The recent Twitter attacks against Tulsi Gabbard are just one example.

“Twitter is the essence of Misogyny and Facebook is a Rape Joke, but rape is no joke and misogyny will end the human race. American social media is sucking life from humanity,” says RINJ Executive Director, Katie Alsop.

Sabrina Qureshi, the founder and coordinator of Million Women Rise, said: “Violence against women is widespread in our society, yet none of our political leaders are willing to truly take this on.”

The Twitter and Facebook decision to promote hate speak against the women of Ukraine who suffer the worst gender based violence of any group of women in the world is representative of US Government policies and doctrine. With the help of its hate speak digital Megalopoly, America’s racism and misogyny is given some kind of justification and normalization.

Twitter is the essence of misogyny and Facebook is a Rape Joke, but rape is no joke and misogyny will end the human race. Politicians like misogynist Paul Gosar exploit this misogyny at America’s peril.
American politicians with social media are sucking life from humanity and causing morbid hatred and violence toward Women and Girls.

‘Social media has elevated misogyny to new levels of violence’ says Zuckerberg’s sister.

“Twitter’s misogynistic marginalization of women happens not only to females in the media but also to female defenders of human rights, to female politicians, to female entrepreneurs, and to countless other women who use social media for personal or professional reasons,” explains RINJ Executive Director, Katie Alsop.

Fighting with American social media misogyny, RINJ Women finally walked away from Twitter and Facebook, encouraging millions of women to do the same.

One in three men believe feminism does more harm than good: Ipsos Global survey.

“Attacks on women within Twitter and Facebook and the encouragement of violence toward women, reached a crescendo in 2022. Let the Patriarch have its club and let the men boast to each other and buy advertising to raise the visibility of their racist, parochial, misogynistic narratives on the basis of who has the most money and who propels the most hate-speak followers, it’s almost funny in a way,”  says Katie Alsop.

“It should be said that the attacks on women within Twitter and Facebook and the encouragement of violence toward women, has reached a crescendo that coincides with a timeline in which Afghan Girls only go to school to grade 6; UN Rapes of Females have hit a new high; and millions of women and children are displaced by the patriarch’s war pitting USA vs Russia on Ukraine territory, women cannot be cared for, they must flee.  Women and children suffer the most and that is a threat of genocide,” explains Dale Carter of the RINJ NGO.

G7/NATO Family Photograph.  Photo Credit: Stenbocki maja

Patriarch members Biden, Macron and Johnson at the G7/NATO Family Photograph. 
Photo Credit: Stenbocki maja