A Tribute to Dr. Buni, her team & patients slaughtered in Gaza

We (RINJ Women) hold Joe Biden responsible for killing with U.S. bombs and targeting data over 30 persons including our 5 medical workers, one of them American, 12 infants, two male parents, and fifteen women including five grandmothers at our clinic in north Gaza on the proclaimed Vaccination Day for newborns which we do monthly. Do you know how hard it is to get an inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) for a 60-day-old infant in Gaza? We smuggle supplies from facilities in Syria as we have done for a decade. The people you call inhuman like Vladimir Putin and Bashar al Assad actually help us do this indirectly. You Americans and Israelis are the real creeps.

Following a massive effort to provide additional protection to our 28 women delivering babies and providing OBGYN services to women in Gaza, a security ban has been lifted by our security contractor and adviser and we invited field workers to submit articles, memories and more, that our folks may want to have shared.

Amanda Miles

Dr. B was the closest friend to me anywhere in the world. Ask my mother. It’s a friendship of 25 years and that puts me back to grade 8. The shock of what happened made me very numb for a long time. Killing 12 newborn infants’ is hard to talk about because there have been many thousands of infants killed in Gaza by the Americans and Israelis. To say that these 12 infants were more important than the others is not right. But we delivered these children, and we know them. They are now our dearest angels in heaven.

My contribution is to tell you how our people did their work.

We are the women who do the work nobody wants to do—nobody likes to talk about. We deal with and treat female genital mutilation, sexually transmitted infectious diseases, rape, childbirth, women’s care down there where technically no Islamic male doctor may go, (but I have never seen a lightning bolt strike a male doctor who helped out, ‘down there’), early childhood care, and so on. [ In principle, a female patient must be treated by a female doctor while a male patient must be treated by a male doctor.]

Our workers in Gaza travel through the sepsis-infected ruins of Gaza on mountain bicycles and walk the woman to the birthing clinic or they deliver the baby in-situ and then get them to the clinic for cleanup, treatment, and baby care items as gifts to last the first little while before they come back for vaccination.

I have spent two weeks in Gaza since the genocide started last year, doing this work, and before that in 2018. I stopped going after the Israelis murdered Shireen Abu Akleh. It is  a hair-raising experience.

How did I get into this work?

A UN/Canadian Soldier friend hurt in Rwanda convinced us to help women in war zones.

While I was a nurse practitioner in a hospital in Ottawa, I met a man who had been a soldier. I met him as a medical professional, and he told me what he had seen in Rwanda. I worked night shifts so after doing the pharmacology rounds and approving meds for each of the shift-nurse desks on every floor, I would go see the soldier and listen to his stories. I think that sped up his recovery. Healing the heart and mind is a big part of nursing if the administration gets their ass in gear and lets you hire the right people to do this value-added work. (I love RINJ Women and the Nurses Without Borders because the administration understands this very well because it is run by us (lol)). Anyway. This soldier’s sacrifices and his sorrow over the harm the war brought to women and children, infected me as did the pure goodness of this wonderful human, a soldier who obviously cannot be named.

Bonnie and the rest of us started out calling ourselves RINJ Campaign. RINJ stands for Rape Is No Joke.

In 2006, I with Katie Alsop, Sonya Yoshiki, Monique Deslauriers, Bonnie (Dr. Buni), my darling Syrian girl in Canada, and many others started the RINJ Campaign. Most of these friends were connected to me through my school or through a man and a woman who had a music band back in 2007 and they were amazing humanitarians who gave us our first computers and first clinic location.

By 2012, we were all in Syria at Sonya’s insistence, dealing with Bashar al Assad and his propensity to murder, rape or oppress women and children.

ISIS Chased us to Mosul

Next came the ISIS which chased us across Syria to our warehouse and training center in Mosul Iraq. But they came there too in August 2014. I just compressed a very long time; it seems to me.

We have always worked in war zones due to my learning from that blessed man, my soldier patient. (Dear friend, I love you so much and I still feel your pain. I will love you and thank you forever.)

Bonnie had a particular interest in helping women who suffered FGM

My darling Bonnie, I remember your work in Africa and in the Middle East for women who suffered FGM. I want to remember you with this video from your 2014-2015 FGM campaign–Be Free and Fly my angel.

In this artistic video, “to fly” is to feel ‘down there’ again. We illustrate the feeling of inadequacy and specify the urge to become whole and to again “fly”. It’s a great video. Turn the sound up and watch it full screen. It will knock your socks off if you ‘Get it”.

Female Genital Mutilation – Clitorectomy is another term is a crime of sexual assault. Female genital mutilation, also known as female circumcision, is the cutting or removal of the clitoris and/or the labia, as a way of eliminating a girl’s sexual desire and pleasure, to guarantee that she be a virgin before marriage and remain faithful to her husband afterwards. In a statement published on its public relations web site, The RINJ Foundation says it has filed a complaint to Facebook about the Social Media’s site’s proclivity to ‘smother’ public service announcements that talk about the dangers of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The RINJ Foundation​ – FGM = The woman’s clitoris is removed. She feels no sexual enjoyment and her libido is destroyed.

“The goal of the perpetrator of this crime is to stop the female from having urges for sex and to prevent the female from enjoying sex. The RINJ Foundation is trying to reach women who are not whole. In this fantasy video, “to fly” is to feel again. We illustrate the feeling of inadequacy and specify the urge to become whole and to again “fly”. You will see her looking at her “wings” … notice how they seem small and unworthy of the task of flight. Later in the video you see her full wings. She is complete and beautiful. She feels wonderful and can “fly”. Think about what we are trying to do here. For further information please read: https://rinj.org/fgm and https://rinj.org/rape/#FGM .
~ Nurse Amanda 

“Fly is about FGM. Here in this video, we are sharing the concept of an inherent wish of every one of the 125 million mutilated women. It’s the unspoken desire to be whole. To be free. To fly. Even though women who have been mutilated don’t know what they are missing and why, their deep subconscious mind tells them “All I wanted to do is fly”.

—Dr. B

FGM: The American Neo-Cons’’ Dark Secret (rinj.press)

Geraldine Frisque

“We (RINJ Women) hold Biden responsible for killing with U.S. bombs and targeting data over 30 persons including 5 medical workers one of them American, 12 infants, two male parents, and fifteen women including five grandmothers at our clinic in north Gaza on the proclaimed Vaccination Day. Earlier that day there had been over fifty persons present, families lining up with infants to get free full sets of infants first vaccinations,” says Ms. Frisque.

Monique Deslauriers, Executive Director, USA, The RINJ Foundation

Read: Gaza Genocide Updates, July 2024

Google has restricted all our content that reports on events in Gaza. We are not alone, but being women, we suffer greater oppression.

In Gaza, Americans and Israelis are killing us and our colleagues of other CSOs and those in the United Nations’ groups like UNRWA.

This video has no gruesome content except the simplest of facts. There are no dead babies from amongst the thousands the accused have killed in Gaza, and no sexual violence. The story behind this is a secret I let out now: we don’t sleep at night any more.

It’s a genocide, however, and Americans have been prevented from hearing about that under the Biden Administration. Eventually he will be indicted as will others for incitement and complicity. That means that any entity that has knowingly assisted in that complicity is also guilty of a crime. Covering up the crime and making certain that Americans are not aware, and then helping suppress those persons who are duty-bound, like journalists or for some other reason like the University students, feel compelled to inform the public of the crime.

Google has plagued us with shadow-banning, censorship, burial and more since the beginning of the recent siege on Gaza in October 2023 because in October 2023 The RINJ Foundation filed a case in the International Criminal Court starting last year against The United States and Israel for Crimes Against Humanity in Gaza. Months later, much of the world agrees.

We know what is happening in Gaza because we are there. We have been in Gaza since 2014 and occasionally in the years prior and since 2010, although we keep that quiet. Why? For safety.

Vaccination day for newborns in North Gaza

Israelis with American help bombed our women’s shelter and OBGYN clinic in north Gaza in early March killing 5 RINJ Foundation humanitarian workers at the site, 12 infants two male parents and 16 women attending the infants. The occasion was vaccination day. In the process of trying to make certain women with newborn children would get their infants to the clinic for a full battery of vaccinations, especially polio, the Israelis became aware. Since 7 October we have lost 38 people. In the years prior in Gaza we have lost one person only. We lost dear friends, but the killing of 12 newborns brought to their vaccination day, is beyond ghoulish. These men are malevolent creatures lower than the worst of cowardly deadly snakes attacking little children.

Nobody will talk about the massive slaughters of women as a strategy to kill off the race of people who live in Gaza. We know this from intercepted memos by our women members.

First of all, the people in Gaza are Arabs and America is a White Supremacist nation and a very violent racist nation at that. Secondly, the people being slaughtered are mostly women and girls and women don’t matter—-worse since the Pandemic. What I am referring to is the extremist right-wing culture in Israel and the usual misogyny in America now shifting hard to the right.

Are those the SOBs who slaughtered thousands of babies in Gaza, yet they are saying no to abortion because that would be killing a baby? Sometimes I lay awake at night thinking about slapping the faces of those hypocrites.

Extermination of a race of people by killing off the women and children—Dr. Nassima al Amouri, colleague of Dr. Buni in Dier Ezzor and Id Lib in Syria.

Teaching young people that there is no consequence, even impunity for violence may have caused Trump’s earache.

By curtailing information about the Gaza Genocide,
our old friend Google risks being accused of complicity in crimes against humanity. Microsoft/Bing is much worse and in an incredible fashion blocks information about American and Israeli atrocities. It’s mind boggling the extent this reaches. Dangerous too. This behaviour has bred violence in the USA.

Tune in TRT-English (Republic of Türkiye) or al Jazeera both English, to see what truths you are missing in America. Or come to Gaza and help find a way to feed the people. Contact me: talkback.rinj.org I can organize your visit but you must sign a release saying you acknowledge that you likely will be killed by the Israeli/American militaries.

My name is Monique and as an American, I have traveled to Gaza, West Bank, and Israel many times. It is shocking to see truths that are concealed from Americans.

Mainstream media and both Google and Microsoft (Bing) control the information flow in America at the behest of political Parties.

In this case, if the Biden Administration is found to be complicit and therefore inciting genocide, so is Google and the other media entities which have succumbed to the edict, not to use the wo0rd genocide, and others. Don’t dare say “Genocide Joe”. The algorithms will send you to the abyss.

Google and Bing are media. They make money by extracting available content on the world of connected computers and servers and selling advertising on that content, Google/Bing don’t create content, they use that of our content that appeals to corporate advertisers.

We fight for the rights of women strongly.

We fight very hard for women’s safety and women’s rights. Nobody in corporations wants that shit, right? It’s a problem in America. It’s not about how can I help my fellow Americab, it’s about “How can I mine these crowds and make myself rich.”
