Omicron spread over 90 countries. Global Warnings

Antibody Infusion Team Utah

ST. GEORGE, Utah —U.S. Air Force Maj. Laura Ivey-Glines, right, the officer in charge of Monoclonal Antibody Infusion Team Utah, discusses tasks with 1st Lt. Jesse Van Tassell, left, a registered nurse with MAIT-Utah, in St. George, Utah, Nov. 12, 2021. The Department of Defense is supporting the infusion site at the request of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to assist the Utah Department of Health with alleviating hospitals affected by high numbers of COVID-positive patients by providing monoclonal antibody treatments. U.S. Northern Command, through U.S. Army North, remains committed to providing flexible Department of Defense support to the whole-of-government COVID response. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Timothy Hughes)

Cases in Africa are spiking.

Cases in Africa are spiking. Source: African CDC and CSPaC.

Read the PDF, full Africa CDCCOVID Brief

Omicron named Variant of Concern 26 November 2021

The Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2, variant B.1.1.529, was first reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) on 24 November 2021 and was classified as a variant of concern by WHO on 26 November 2021. The classification was made on the advice of the Technical Advisory Group on Virus Evolution, based primarily on information from South Africa that the variant has a large number of mutations and has caused a detrimental change in COVID-19 epidemiology, according to the WHO.

Since that time, the disease has spread to more than 90 countries. Iran was the most recent to publication time to indicate it had confirmed an Omicron infection.

Experts are urging the public across the globe to wear N95 respirators, make certain vaccinations are up to date, maintain social distancing and focus considerable effort on hand hygiene while avoiding contact with any persons outside the home. Travel is also contraindicated.

According to experts including the World Health Organization’s Doctors:

  • Wear a respirator mask that covers your nose and mouth. Make sure that your hands are clean when you put on and remove your mask.
  • Keep a physical distance of at least 2 meters from others.
  • Avoid poorly ventilated or crowded spaces.
  • Open windows to improve ventilation indoors.
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • When it’s your turn, get vaccinated. WHO -approved COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.

Video: Free training video on how to wear an N95 respirator mask

Click any image to enlarge and read.

Highest reported Case Fatality Rates

Last Updated: 2021-12-19 Time 21:01:38 GMT. Source: CSPaC Highest reported Case Fatality Rates Source: Civil Society Partners against COVID-19

Highest COVID-19 Case Counts

Last Updated: 2021-12-19 Time 21:01:38 GMT. Source: CSPaC Highest reported Case Counts Source: Civil Society Partners against COVID-19

255 Locales report 804,014,622 COVID-19 cases and 25,954,173 fatalities.

GMT 2024-07-16 05:59

Data reported should be in accordance with the applied case definitions and testing strategies in each locale as their governments report daily or from time to time. All data researched and published by The RINJ Foundation and partners in CSPaD.

©The RINJ Foundation 2020-2024-07-16 / 05:59:25Z Singapore-SK-HUK-77
RINJ is with Civil Society Solidarity Partners against COVID-19.

SARS2 Update 2024-07-16 05:59 GMT

  • Global Population: 8,042,389,490
  • 255 Regions reported 804,014,622 cases
  • 59,499,571 cases active
  • 25,954,173 people reported killed by COVID-19
  • 3.38% is current Case Fatality Rate (CFR)
  • 740,462,604 survived COVID-19
Beta Technology Global Estimates
  • 1.58% Global estimated inferred average Infection Fatality Rate (IFR)
    (influenza is .1% or 6 per 100k (2019))
  • 70,049,015 Total deaths ( estimated actual) including errors, unexpected deaths with pneumonia indications with no history, and unreported likely-cause excess deaths such as people who never went to a hospital but had COVID-19 indications but never tested.
  • See The Lancet estimate of excess mortality from COVID-19 (Download PDF) in 191 countries/territories and 252 subnational units of select countries, from 1 January 2 0 2 0, to 31 December 2 0 2 1.

    USA (111,820,082)
    • 181.17% of the USA may have been infected including reported + estimated unreported mild and estimated asymptomatic (606,547,714.43) persons, some of whom may not have been ill in their first course of the disease, but could have spread the disease.
    • 1.11% is USA current Case Fatality Rate (CFR)&
    • 0.25% is estimated inferred average Infection Fatality Rate (IFR)
    • 1,516,369 estimated total COVID-19 deaths including unreported likely-cause excess deaths. According to projections of IHME, IHME calculation of excess deaths is slightly higher than what CSPaD is showing.

    See The Lancet estimate of excess mortality from COVID-19 (Download PDF) in 191 countries/territories and 252 subnational units of select countries, from 1 January 2 0 2 0, to 31 December 2 0 2 1.

    The American Epicenter has 0.55 % of global 'active' cases (786,167 USA / 142,532,521 Global), people infected with COVID-19 now.

    Below: CSPAD estimated 2024-07-13 00:18 GMT COVID-19 data for India.

    EPICENTER-2: India (45,035,393)

    *Reported by India but understated.

    Note: India's reported death sum and cured data are widely seen among epidemiologists and biostatisticians as unreliable. For example, 3,094,653 is CSPAD estimated sum of deaths while India reports 533,570, creating the largest discepency in the world. India might only report hospital tested cases. Sources among hundreds of nurses and other medical practitioners provide a picture that in summary concludes most cases never present in a hospital especially in northern provinces where health care is less available and utilization is low anyway because of poverty, hence most people die at home in India. This theory could explain discrepancies between reported data and algorithmic estimates.

    India reported:45,035,393533,57044,501,823
    India estimates:249,045,7233,094,653245,951,070

    Data collected and reported by: Civil Society Solidarity Partners against Disease

    Countries with the most active cases today.

    Here are the reported and estimated USA data for 2024-07-12 EST.

    All USASum of CasesDeathsRecoveredActive
    Continental USA109,683,1311,212,123107,745,468725,540

    See The Lancet estimate of excess mortality from COVID-19 (Download PDF) in 191 countries/territories and 252 subnational units of select countries, from 1 January 2 0 2 0, to 31 December 2 0 2 1.

    See also IHME Estimates for America.

    Source CSPaC.

    Here are the reported and estimated Canada data.

    CanadaCases DeathsCuredActive
    Reported:4,956,11559,330 1.2% CFR4,878,11218,673
    Estimate:27,407,31677,129 *0.28% IFR26,975,959103,262

    Source CSPaC.

    Above: Asia, Europe, Africa, America CoVID19 Deaths.

    Click image to enlarge. Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Valid at 2021-12-19T20:30:20Z


    Above:Asia, Europe, Africa, America CoVID19 Cases.

    Click image to enlarge. Source: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

    Valid at 2021-12-19T20:30:20Z