Prostitution  - The RINJ Foundation Mon Jul 15 23:13:40 2024

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Fighting for the safety of women and children.

Decriminalizing sex work; taxing the industry; imposing public health rules; and policing against exploitation.

Prostitution (In Depth) The RINJ Foundation

Around the world, sex work is done in the dangerous shadows of an underworld that breeds diseases that threaten public health. The RINJ Foundation position on prostitution: no law is needed.
Forcing prostituion into the shadows has morbid risk. Sex work (prostitution) is here to stay. It needs to be decriminalized, come out of the shadows, and be a legitimate part of the public health and safety regulatory regimes. Photo Credit: Melissa Hemingway, Feminine-Perspective Magazine

There is significant evidence to suggest that decriminalizing prostitution substantially reduces rape and other sex crime and enhances the safety of workers and clients while reducing the spread of infectious disease.

Regulating prostitution's sex workers would require regulations similar to those used by health care workers. Infection barriers should be mandatory and consistent with a public information campaign to promote the use of condoms. Meanwhile, sex workers can be licensed by self-governing associations or colleges and a regular STI test series set as a pre-condition to licensing. Regulations would seek a strong adherence to all public health requirements that arise as responses to new microbial threats.

The Experience of Government in The Netherlands is Instructive

  • Mandatory licencing

    Businesses in the sex industry, for instance sex clubs, brothels and escort agencies will only be allowed to operate with a licence from the municipal authorities. The conditions for obtaining a licence will include a guarantee of sex workers' health and safety. A commercial sex operation will only be given a licence if it has a fixed address and a telephone landline. To ensure that the rules are equally strict all over the country, the same conditions will essentially apply in every municipality.
  • Screening the owners of businesses in the sex industry

    The owners of commercial sex operations will be screened more thoroughly. Municipalities will do background checks on them. If an owner has previously been involved in human trafficking or if there are indications that they will probably not comply with the licencing conditions, their application for a licence will be denied.
  • Raising the minimum age for prostitutes

    The minimum age for prostitutes in The Netherlands has been raised to 21. Clients will be liable to punishment if they engage the services of a prostitute under the age of 21. Business owners will be punishable if they employ a prostitute under the age of 21. Underage prostitutes themselves will not be punished.

Prostitution and Exploitation Risks

If you are working as a prostitute, regardless if sex work is legal or not in your country, it may be that you are being forced to do so, or that you are being exploited. If any of the following situations applies to you, it is possible that you are being exploited:
  • You have to do work that is different to what you were promised;
  • You are aged under *18 and are working as a prostitute *(21 in some countries);
  • You are being forced to work as a prostitute, for example by someone who has arranged the work for you, or by a so-called lover boy (who doesn't love you but just uses you);
  • The person you are working for is threatening to report you because you are in the country illegally;
  • You do not have your own passport or travel documents in your possession;
  • You have to hand over the money you earn (some or all of it) to someone else;
  • You have to work even when you are ill;
  • You have to pay off a large debt to the person you are working for;
  • You have no say about where you work or live;
  • You have to work in different places and often do not know where you are;
  • You are not allowed to go back and forth by yourself between where you live and where you work;
  • You are not allowed to go shopping or buy new clothes by yourself;
  • You or your family are being mistreated, blackmailed or threatened;
  • You work in unpleasant or poor conditions;
  • You are forced to have unsafe sex;
  • You are forced to perform specific sexual acts;
  • You are not free to refuse customers;
  • You have to work long hours;
  • You are only allowed to finish work when you have earned a certain amount of money, or after you have had a minimum number of clients. Do any of these situations apply to you, or to someone you know? Then it is possible that you (or he or she) are the victim of exploitation. Do not allow this to happen. Ask for help from local law enforcement. Contact us if you need help doing this.
Read Prostitution and Exploitation-Prevention
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Men run most governments. Men of these patriarchs have for eons devoted a large percentage of their time to legislating what women can and cannot do with their bodies.

This must stop.

For example, legislating against female sex workers is just another folly. It doesn't work. Prosecuting the clients or the sex workers has had no positive impact. Prostitution still exists but may be more in the shadows than you realize. Hiding prostitution in the darkness of the underworld promotes exploitation of women, violence toward women, human trafficking, and the delivery of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) & Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) among a large sector of the client population without any means for tracking the infected parties.

Consequently it can be accurately stated that public health is endangered by pushing sex work deeper into the shadows with foolish legislation that outlaws the worker and or client.

Legislating what women can do with their bodies is the folly of a patriarchal governance that has run amok in misogyny.

Some feminists suggest that many prostitutes don't have a significant range of career choices because of poverty and lack of education and training for other options. Well, don't remove that choice too. Sex workers who adhere to safe practices serve a useful function. We will talk more about that in a moment.

Some opponents of sex work suggest that many women are forced into prostitution by men who are pimps, who then take their money and coerce them to continue earning. In that case the crime is not being committed by the woman, and the crime is not prostitution. To suggest that prostitution should be criminalized because men will exploit prostitutes is the ultimate in misogyny if not just plain dumb logic. Prosecute the men who imprison, extort, or assault women.

Not all so-called "pimps" are doing crime. Some are defacto "bodyguards" and collect a fee for their work. That's not such a bad thing but pushing sex work into the shadows has also pushed the support workers into the dark.

Decriminalizing prostitution opens the door to allowing sex workers to hire professional, licenced security persons. It also helps legitimize a realm of employment that otherwise was living in the shadows under no scrutiny.

Do you really know what a sex worker does?

Howard's wife died a few years ago and since that time he has lived alone. Gina, a sex worker who sees Howard once a week in his flat, charges him the equivalent of $100.00 USD. Gina has strict rules for herself as well as clients about hygene, medical support, and protection for both. Howard is compliant but according to Gina, they seldom have sexual contact, mostly Howard likes to talk. Because of this, Gina sought out some training and took a day course in social work. She is a sex worker but she says that Howard was once suicidal and she believes she has saved Howard's life. They continue to see each other. Whatever of Howard's needs are being fullfilled, he may some day be able to transfer from a surrogate to a real partner. He said he never would do that out of respect for his deceased wife but maybe he will give himself permission to do that. In the meantime, is Howard committing a crime? Where is the mens rea (criminal intent)? Is he doing something immoral?

Gina says she has many clients exactly like Howard. She also says that she has many experiences over the years with "bad dates", violent men who cause trouble.

Gina pools her financial resources with two other women to hire a driver/bodyguard who takes her to her appointments and remains on call in the event of trouble. She says she also has police acquaintances she can call. It's a quid pro quo wherein the police officer gains information about violent sex offenders or predators in his jurisdiction and Gina has a 'goto person' when trouble strikes.

Sex Work Should Not Be Done in the Shadows

In some countries, lawmakers have decided to not prosecute the women sex workers but instead charge men who use the services of the prostitute. That has led to harassment of the women sex workers by police and driven the tradecraft further underground. Moreover, the male clients are the least likely criminals.
"Many are just homely guys who didn't meet a girl, yet.
"For some men it takes longer than for other men to find the right partner. They still have needs," says our source, Gina.

Decriminalizing prostitution; taxing the industry; imposing strict public health rules; and policing against exploitation is the only way ahead.

Not Just Women Are Prostitutes

Many members of the straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and two-spirit (S+LBGT2) communities choose to become sex workers. When will men learn that legislating adults to compell who has sex with who is just not practical law making? Already there are sex worker unions and associations all over the world. These groups have a good understanding of the health and safety issues of both workers and clients. Where they don't there are many Civil Society organizations willing to share their knowlege base and know-how. Perhaps these groups could form an alliance with government for the purpose of standards implementation and licensing.

A patriarchal approach legislating what women do with their bodies will fail. Alternatively, women and men working together to bring sex work into a safe, healthy, legitimate service sector will triumph over the spread of disease and reduce rape and other sex crime significantly.

Sex work (prostitution) is here to stay. It needs to be decriminalized, come out of the shadows, and be a legitimate part of the public health and safety regulatory regimes.

Other fundamental women's issues suggested for your reading.

  1. BreastFeeding
  2. Feminism
  3. Female Genital Mutilation
  4. FPMag Women's Views
  5. Gropers
  6. #MeToo
  7. Mysogyny vs Gender Equality
  8. Nuclear Disarmament
  9. Pornography
  10. Prostitution
  11. Rape and Sexual Assault defined
  12. Women's Literature
  13. War Crime of Rape

What do feminists want for women:

  1. an equal opportunity for education;
  2. equal opportunity to drive vehicles and use any form of transportation;
  3. fair and equal wages;
  4. freedom from discrimination;
  5. no restrictions on owning property; and
  6. to be safe from violence and slavery.

What's happening now?

Did you know that Women stay abreast of world events some men think only THEY can manage? RINJ Women invite you to read our world news reports, opinions and research from a Feminine-Perspective.

World News Headlines

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By Micheal John OBrien, Mon, 15 Jul 2024 21:59:21 GMT

Feminine-Perspective Magazine Headline Image

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Feminine-Perspective Magazine Headline Image

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“Biden thinks if he stays in power, he will dodge prosecution. Joe Biden is clinging to power like a cockroach fleeing bug spray when the light comes on. Joe Biden is a megalomaniac and gets wild at his detractors including … Continue reading →

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By Micheal John OBrien, Thu, 11 Jul 2024 23:49:43 GMT

Feminine-Perspective Magazine Headline Image

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Feminine-Perspective Magazine Headline Image

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Feminine-Perspective Magazine Headline Image

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Feminine-Perspective Magazine Headline Image

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By Micheal John OBrien, Sun, 07 Jul 2024 20:03:38 GMT

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Coalition member. We Stand #WithRefugees

Be a part of this important humanitarian action. #WithRefugees .

‣ Rape is caused not by cultural factors but by the conscious decisions of a small percentage of the community to commit a violent crime.

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RINJ Principals

About The RINJ Foundation
"RINJ" ( / ) is a private, non-profit, association of humanitarians including nurses, midwives, medics, EMS workers, doctors, lawyers and investigators fighting for the safety of women and children around the world. This association of members comprises an organized and structured global NGO, Civil Society group and *Social Movement. (*Including several of its subsidiary units RINJ in some regions seeks to empower oppressed population elements to mount effective challenges and resist the more powerful and advantaged elites.)
The RINJ Foundation
RINJ operates 100% on funds from private funders to ensure RINJ
  • freedom to offer humanitarian assistance when & where needed; &
  • maintain RINJ independence from political, religious & economic influence.
RINJ volunteers provide assistance to women and children in distress, to survivors of natural or man-made disasters & to victims of armed conflict. RINJ fills its role regardless of race, religion, creed or political convictions.
  • RINJ volunteers observe neutrality and impartiality in the name of universal medical ethics; the rule of law; and the universal right to humanitarian assistance.
  • RINJ claims full & unfettered freedom in the exercise of its functions.
  • RINJ volunteer/members undertake to respect professional codes of ethical standards & maintain independence from political, economic or religious powers.
  • RINJ volunteers/members understand the risks and dangers of the missions they carry out and make no claim for themselves or their assigns for any form of compensation other than that which The RINJ Foundation might be able to afford them.
  • Impartiality & neutrality are not equal to silence. When RINJ workers witness extreme acts of violence against individuals or groups, the organisation may speak out publicly. RINJ may seek to bring attention to extreme need and unacceptable suffering when access to justice or lifesaving medical care is impeded, when medical facilities come under threat, when crises like rape for the purpose of genocide are neglected, or when the provision of aid is inadequate or abused.
  • Crimes Against Humanity, 2012 to 2024-07-15. RINJ Claims the right for any of its members capable, to arrest and detain for transport to the Hague any ISIS person who
    1) in a contiguous set of actions to or from the moment of being observed comitting an act in contravention of the Rome Statute; and
    2) who in so doing also simultaneously claims to be or showing that they are, by uniform, flag bearing, or outright statement, members of the alleged War Criminal Group known as "The Islamic State".
Address: 119-3219 Yonge St, Toronto, Ontario M4N 3S1 Canada Email Us Phone:+1 647-739-9279

Who are the "RINJ Women"

We are the (Rape Is No Joke) RINJ Women who fought in the 2000s to get the money-making pro-rape and child sex slavery content off social media platforms, ending on 4 November 2011. Some of us collectively decided to continue our work for the universal rights of women and girls. We incorporated on 21 August 2012 after years of fighting as a grass roots organization called The RINJ Campaign. We have no restrictions. That's our story. We move forward striving for gender equality universally despite the setbacks that have been experienced globally, and despite the attacks of misogynistic authoritarians.