RINJ Foundation Terms Of Service - The RINJ Foundation Mon Jul 15 23:04:30 2024

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Fighting for the safety of women and children.

RINJ Foundation Terms Of Service

RINJ Foundation Terms Of Service The RINJ Foundation

Please note that the material presented on this site is provided for the purposes of information dissemination. The information and opinions expressed by the public on any Bulletin Boards, special online Email tools, or other forums conducted on this site are not necessarily those of The RINJ Foundation. Furthermore, neither The RINJ Foundation or its affiliated partner organizations are responsible or liable to any person whatsoever for any loss, damage, injury, claim, liability or other cause of any kind or character whatsoever based upon or resulting from any information or opinions provided in this site. When you submit material to this site, you agree that The RINJ Foundation reserves the right to publish the information for any type of use in any medium for an indefinite amount of time. The RINJ Foundation is not responsible for information published by the public on its forums. You shall not submit or otherwise publish through these forums any content which: libels, defames, invades privacy, or is obscene, pornographic, abusive, or threatening; infringes any intellectual property or other right of any entity or person, including, but not limited to violating anyone's copyrights or trademarks; violates any law; advocates illegal activity; advertises or otherwise solicits funds or is a solicitation for goods or services; (collectively "Non-Approved Material").

Do not post any threatening or libellous e-mails or material on this site that would be considered a violation of any law. The RINJ Foundation will fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities requests to disclose the identity of anyone posting any such e-mails or materials. The materials presented in this site are subject to the local laws of the Province of Ontario and of Canadian law.

Coalition member. We Stand #WithRefugees

Be a part of this important humanitarian action. #WithRefugees .

‣ The RINJ Foundation sends volunteer NGO workers to assist United Nations War Crime investigators cataloguing individual crimes of rape in war zones. The RINJ Foundation operates nurse-led RINJ Sexual Assault Clinics (RSAC) in combat zones and refugee facilites around the world.

RINJ: Rape Is No Joke → Twitter: @RapeIsNoJoke@RapeIsNoJoke on FaceBook

RINJ Principals

About The RINJ Foundation
"RINJ" (RINJ.org / RINJ.ca ) is a private, non-profit, association of humanitarians including nurses, midwives, medics, EMS workers, doctors, lawyers and investigators fighting for the safety of women and children around the world. This association of members comprises an organized and structured global NGO, Civil Society group and *Social Movement. (*Including several of its subsidiary units RINJ in some regions seeks to empower oppressed population elements to mount effective challenges and resist the more powerful and advantaged elites.)
The RINJ Foundation
RINJ operates 100% on funds from private funders to ensure RINJ
  • freedom to offer humanitarian assistance when & where needed; &
  • maintain RINJ independence from political, religious & economic influence.
RINJ volunteers provide assistance to women and children in distress, to survivors of natural or man-made disasters & to victims of armed conflict. RINJ fills its role regardless of race, religion, creed or political convictions.
  • RINJ volunteers observe neutrality and impartiality in the name of universal medical ethics; the rule of law; and the universal right to humanitarian assistance.
  • RINJ claims full & unfettered freedom in the exercise of its functions.
  • RINJ volunteer/members undertake to respect professional codes of ethical standards & maintain independence from political, economic or religious powers.
  • RINJ volunteers/members understand the risks and dangers of the missions they carry out and make no claim for themselves or their assigns for any form of compensation other than that which The RINJ Foundation might be able to afford them.
  • Impartiality & neutrality are not equal to silence. When RINJ workers witness extreme acts of violence against individuals or groups, the organisation may speak out publicly. RINJ may seek to bring attention to extreme need and unacceptable suffering when access to justice or lifesaving medical care is impeded, when medical facilities come under threat, when crises like rape for the purpose of genocide are neglected, or when the provision of aid is inadequate or abused.
  • Crimes Against Humanity, 2012 to 2024-07-15. RINJ Claims the right for any of its members capable, to arrest and detain for transport to the Hague any ISIS person who
    1) in a contiguous set of actions to or from the moment of being observed comitting an act in contravention of the Rome Statute; and
    2) who in so doing also simultaneously claims to be or showing that they are, by uniform, flag bearing, or outright statement, members of the alleged War Criminal Group known as "The Islamic State".
Address: 119-3219 Yonge St, Toronto, Ontario M4N 3S1 Canada Email Us Phone:+1 647-739-9279

Who are the "RINJ Women"

We are the (Rape Is No Joke) RINJ Women who fought in the 2000s to get the money-making pro-rape and child sex slavery content off social media platforms, ending on 4 November 2011. Some of us collectively decided to continue our work for the universal rights of women and girls. We incorporated on 21 August 2012 after years of fighting as a grass roots organization called The RINJ Campaign. We have no restrictions. That's our story. We move forward striving for gender equality universally despite the setbacks that have been experienced globally, and despite the attacks of misogynistic authoritarians.