Fighting for the safety of women & children...

Press Release

May 11, 2015 - Ontario Must Teach Sex-Ed. & Teach Consent

Toronto, May 11, 2015 -- The Ontario Government has tried to introduce sex education
 into Ontario, Canada schools and a multi-cultural family backlash has protested by refusing to educate their kids at all, pulling them from school. 

Meanwhile the lack of Ontario, Canada sex education has led to increased rape and child molestation in the Ontario province. 

Sex education is needed so that "consent"  can be taught.

Are you ready for change.

We need to talk to parents and teachers.

Can we talk about "rape"?
Can we talk about sex?
Can we talk about 'consent"?

At a time when rape is the fastest growing crime around the world and simultaneously as the assimilation of more poorly-educated, developing nation cultures including the most misogynistic in the world as well as the most extreme religious fundamentalists are intermingling into the global melting pots, how do we find a happy medium on sex education in that mix?

For one thing, the need to teach about "consent" has never been greater.

But, you can't teach consent until after you have taught about sex, procreation and sexual behaviour.

Sexual violence and child sex slavery are two of earth's epidemics. Sex education can help combat the global rape culture that breeds and enables sex offenders.

North America, having less than 5% of the world population is, because of travel and migration, being influenced by the other 95% of the world population. It may not be good enough to quietly suggest that "consent" is important in sexual relations. It may be time to yell it from the roof tops.

Most people don't think about these four sexual assault facts: 

  • Children cannot consent. Sex with children is a serious crime anywhere on earth.
  • An intoxicated person can't consent.  Sex with a non-consenting adult is a serious crime.
  • A person who is mentally incompetent or too uninformed to deal with the subject matter, cannot consent.  Sex with a non-consenting adult is a serious crime.
  • A person who is mentally incompetent or too uninformed to deal with the subject matter, cannot easily be held accountable (convicted) for sexually violent crime.

Knowing these things is important, don't you think? 

Sex education is extremely important, isn't it?

Instead of being a rape apologist why not be a consent proponent? Let's start educating our kids about sex, and then teach consent.

Because of rape apologism (you say rape is always going to happen and nothing will change that because it is human nature and therefore sex education will not change  the crime rate) is so widespread, survivors of rape often don't tell anyone about their ordeal because they perceive they are unlikely to be taken seriously. Because of this error in thinking the survivor doesn't receive the support they need from family, doctors, and law enforcement, and this lack of support makes it much less likely they will overcome their trauma and makes it abundantly clear to would-be rapists that they will not be made accountable for their very serious crime.

Misogyny is caused partly by bad education.
One problem with misogyny is that it presumes consent.

Misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including the condoning or conduct of sexual discrimination, the condoning or conduct of denigration of women, the condoning or conduct of violence against women, and the condoning or conduct of sexual objectification of women.

Assumed consent is not consent. Sex without consent is a serious crime.

Consent is addictive as fuck!

 -- 30-- 

The RINJ Foundation Purpose 

-      To exist for the benefit of the general public.
-      To help prevent rape and sexual assault crime.
-      To assist those who have become survivors of rape and sexual assault crime.

RINJ Opposes Gender-Based Violence

The RINJ Foundation seeks a safer world for you and your family by preventing gender-based violence and supporting survivors of this crime. The foundation educates public officials, the general public, social media providers and traditional media outlets about the dangers to society of misogyny; monitors and reports on actors who commit or order the commission of acts of sexual violence as a tactic of genocide or war to humiliate, dominate, instill fear in, disperse and/or forcibly relocate civilian members of a community or ethnic group. The RINJ Foundation monitors and reports on global court proceedings related to rape / sexual assault; educates for a more learned and open discussion of the issues of sexual assault; provides education, general information and study resources to enhance the safety of the person; and overall seeks a higher adherence to safe community standards. The RINJ Foundation seeks better criminal justice while advancing a rape-averse social conscience.

Helping Rape Survivors & Encouraging the Prosecution of Rapists:

1. The RINJ Foundation collects donations and offers funding assistance for counseling; medical aid; reconstructive surgery; and special care and attention otherwise unavailable owing to funding or specialist resource issues.

2. The RINJ Foundation raises funds for the purchase of 'rape kits'and/or the funding of rape kit testing. First responders and hospitals must have rape kits and completed rape kits must be immediately tested with results sent posthaste to police and prosecutors.

3. RINJ shares learning for the betterment of court processes;

  • a. provides data to the public about 'wanted' sex offenders/suspects or recently released-from-prison rapists who may be of interest to the community;
  • b. encourages a more diligent execution of duty by law enforcement investigating sexual assault / rape complaints; and
  • c. plays a role in overseeing how sexual assault / rape survivors in war-torn countries find remedy.

Read the Ontario Ministry of Education's Grade 1-8 Health and Physical Education Programme

RINJ: Rape Is No Joke @RapeIsNoJoke

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