Fighting for the safety of women & children...

ISIS War Crime

New Data Collection Methods

Mosul, Iraq: August 22, 2014 -- The RINJ Foundation currently uses mostly conventional methods for gathering information for each war-crime victim including a basic three page information data-collection form which provides sufficient information for the collection of evidence that would bring to jurists for each victim or survivor-witness,

1) evidential details of the specific criminal event,
2) motivation of the crime,
3) evidence of criminal intent,
4) evidence of the criminal act,
5) identification evidence,
6) connected evidence of similar crimes, trends and patterns, and
witness lists.

Meanwhile we are testing a peer-to-peer Android (linux kernel) application that allows data sharing and real time communications between field operators; interviewing witnesses; taking photographs and sharing in real time; and coalescing reports being worked on by several people in the field at the same time. . .

More to follow

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In any allegation of rape, the absence of consent to sexual intercourse on the part of the victim is critical. Consent need not be expressed, and may be implied from the context and from the relationship of the parties, but the absence of objection does not of itself constitute consent.

RINJ: Rape Is No Joke @RapeIsNoJoke

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