Donate to Ukraine women. Fight HIV/HBV. Get your name on Kyiv monument

RINJ Women in Ukraine since 2010Women and girls in the midst of the Ukraine crisis face severe risks to their safety, dignity and well-being. Rape is causing the spread of HIV/AIDS like a wildfire. Soldiers are raping the same infected girl over and over.  HIV & HBV coinfections are common in Ukraine.  RINJ Women and The Nurses Without Borders provide essential disease testing and also life-saving reproductive health care and physical safety in war zones. Women’s care is otherwise forgotten by government institutions. Ukraine’s services for women & girls critical to their health, future & survival, are eroded by war. War-time rape consequences  including disease spread can be devastating to long-term health and immediately life threatening. RINJ Women are in Ukraine, helping Ukrainians, with your support. Paypal at

Warning to women globally. 
Men coming home from Ukraine may be infected.

RINJ Women provide specialized care for women & children in active Ukraine War Zones with your help.
Help Ukrainians. Donate now an amount of your choosing to Ukraine

RINJ Women in UkraineRINJ Women humanitarians are in Ukraine

* More than 29 million women in 42 countries received sexual and reproductive health services, including contraceptives and supplies for safe deliveries and personal protection.

* 6 Million people in 39 countries received family planning services.

* More than 1.5 million safe births were assisted in 29 countries.

* 2.4 Million survivors of gender-based violence accessed support services, including through RINJ-provided safe spaces.

Video: Infants and moms hiding with volunteer care providers from the artillery shells, bombs and missiles during an attack in spring 2022.

Donate and Get your name on a monument in Kyiv

Following the Ukraine war, we intend to erect a monument with a plaque commemorating hundreds of Ukrainian women volunteers who like a Phoenix have arisen from their destroyed families and homes to learn new skills to help others. These women have emerged from desperation, poverty, grief & loss, to learn from us our specialized skills as midwives, nursing assistants, childcare workers & medivac drivers. Meeting these Ukrainian women has been a life-changing experience for us.

The Nurses Without Borders, urge everyone who had a high risk incident to test/treat.

As are rape and incest a pandemic, so too are HIV & HBV plus other STI.

Rebuilding Ukraine starts with Saving Lives

Our plan is to use a small piece of real estate being donated for the purpose, in Kyiv, for what will be a celebrated artistic statute representing these glorious women and thank the backers of their efforts helping women and kids survive the smashing of their homes in Ukraine.

Support this campaign.

Donations help Experienced Nurses Test and Treat Rape Survivors in Ukraine for HIV, hepatitis B and other STDs. Why?

HIV/HBV is now an epidemic in Ukraine.

“People, this is serious,” explains Alona Adamovich who leads the RINJ Women humanitarian effort in Ukraine.

“Increased vaccination efforts through general recommendations and catch-up initiatives for hepatitis B virus (HBV) helped to decrease the prevalence of HBV over time in people living with HIV in Germany, according to a study published in HIV Medicine. Prevalence and incidence of HBV in people living with HIV still remained higher compared with the general population.” AJMC-Life Sciences.

“Infection with both HIV and HBV is called HIV/HBV coinfection. Chronic HBV advances faster to cirrhosis, end-stage liver disease, and liver cancer in people with HIV/HBV coinfection than in people with only HBV infection.” –

Test, trace and treat HIV regardless of the pandemic. Nurses Test, trace and treat for HIV/HBV and other STDs. RINJ Women have plenty of experience fighting HIV because HIV is spread via sexual violence. Photo credit: Sharon Santiago / The RINJ Foundation

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DonateAn amount of your choosing to the women in Ukraine Here any amount to the women in Ukraine Here. Women’s shelters, birthing clinics and women’s health clinics in Ukraine are operated by hundreds of RINJ Women workers from Ukrainian chapters. RINJ volunteers provide assistance to women in distress, to victims of natural or man-made disasters and to victims of armed conflict. RINJ does this work irrespective of race, religion, creed or political convictions.
$25 or an amount of your choosing for vulnerable women$25 or an amount you choose for vulnerable women the world over. Here. The RINJ Foundation is a global Women’s Rights & Women safety NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations since 2017, providing services like women’s shelters, rape & birth clinics in difficult regions where women are most vulnerable.

War is hardest on women and girls

Her family was killed and the soldier who raped her was infected with HIV. Now a widow she needs a lot of care, like thousands of other women and children who have survived thus far. Photo Art by Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

If you prefer, click image below to donate via PayPal

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Also Donate Bank Direct via Swift

The RINJ Foundation, is a Canada-based global women’s group in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN since 2017.

If you are anywhere in Ukraine and need shelter, HIV/HBV test, evacuation, or specialized women’s care, contact the RINJ HelpLine using this number: +16477399279 available on WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram. Anything we can arrange for you we will do.

RINJ Women Protecting the vulnerable in Ukraine
* Women’s Shelters
* Safe Houses
* Rape Clinics
* Birthing Clinics
* Women’s health care clinics

Did you know there is a hand signal you can use to say “somebody inside my house is abusing me”.

Video: “A hand reached up between the glass and the curtain unseen from the inside. It made the signal, ‘I am in Danger’. We reacted. A rescue ensued,” said an emergency medical worker in Ukraine.

Did you know there is a hand signal you can use to say “somebody inside my house is abusing me”. It also means this is not private, my rapist is nearby. Or it can mean the children are listening or somebody is listening who could be harmed.  Courtesy Feminine-Perspective-Magazine (

The RINJ Foundation absolute privacy and confidentiality. Notice that we are not splashy about rescues and case studies. There will be no hint of identities. We provide care in the utmost of privacy and that is our hallmark. The names and whereabouts of women and children we care for and the humanitarians who provided their care are never revealed under any circumstances, ever. We do not allow trackers on our web sites and we do not track patients under any circumstances. Follow-up appointments and home care are done by word of mouth between practitioners and the person(s) in need of care.

“If the fighters find our clinics, they will attack, rape and torture every female they find. That is why we must pay for armed security guards. Please help us stay safe.

RINJ Women have been in the Ukraine for years since before the conflict began in 2014, in fact since we lost our Oksana Makar who was raped and murdered in Ukraine by the patriarchy in Kiev.

We need to treat sexually transmitted disease immediately. In many cases this involves massive doses of specialized antibiotics in a one-time dose. Why? Because some rape survivors are so ashamed and so PTSD, they do not come back hence we use a regimen of immediate and massive pharmacological disease intervention. We need to make sure the patient takes their meds therefore a 10-day course of anti-biotics is not going to work out. Better to avoid a 10-day or 7-day course of some of the traditional pharmaceuticals unless we are housing the patient, which is what we prefer. Please donate to pay the costs of STD medications and antiretroviral meds.

We conduct and teach rape kit collection and specialized nursing programs for medical recruits in-country.

Training new volunteers is a very effective method for doing our work because we can train existing staffers working inside existing medical facilities and increase our GBV medical expertise presence with a leave-behind of valuable skills retention.

We operate our own clinics and we provide specialized GBV staff to existing medical facilities.

We must pay salaries and provide supplies and that is where your donation might go. We pay visiting nurses only 1,927 $cdn per month as a stipend to a volunteer. Please help with that.

We also provide housing for the visiting foreign nurse in these instances. This helps us do our work in Ukraine. We have our people embedded in many health care facilities. In some cases these are the only staffer being paid. In Ukraine we are heavily embedded providing specialized women’s care for over a decade. Please donate.

Tax Notice: Not-for-profit Canadian NGO

This means that RINJ is a “qualified organization” exempt from federal income tax.

The RINJ Foundation does not promise, adduce, undertake, guarantee or in any way imply that by making a donation you will benefit from tax credits, tax deductions or any compensation whatsoever, regardless of country. Please check with your tax advisor. View our Charter Information and Policies.

Notice to American Donors:

A deduction for a contribution to a Canadian organization is not allowed if the contributor reports no taxable income from Canadian sources on the United States income tax return

Contact Your Tax Consultant

If you do not know or understand the tax deductions allowed in your country for a donation to The RINJ Foundation in Canada, please consult your taxation advise provider.

The RINJ Foundation
3219 Yonge Street, Suite 119,
Toronto, Ontario M4N 3S1 Canada
Email: [email protected]
Message Form: or
Contact The RINJ Foundation on Phone,  WhatsApp or SMS text: +1 647-739-9279 Home

Articles of Incorporation
Charter Summary

Corporate Name: The RINJ Foundation
Corporation Number: 8224455
DUNS number 203464961
Business Number: (BN)849710447RC0001
Governing Legislation: Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act – 2012-08-21

Refund Policy

If you have made a mistake and need a refund please contact us without delay. Click Here

Where does your gift go?

Some people who know the RINJ Women do specify where they would like funds to go. For example if you add a note “HIV” 100% of your gift will go to purchasing the free HIV self-test (blood test not saliva) kits we provide patients. Generally, all personal donor funds are used to purchase care supplies. Donations are deposited in our Royal Bank of Canada account, or in a local account in Kiev when that is safe to do, and more than 100% of your donation reaches women and children in need because we have donors who will match your gift. The vast majority of RINJ workers are unpaid volunteers, medical students, interns, and exchange program workers.

Who are the “RINJ Women

The RINJ Foundation, is a Canada-based global women’s group in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN since 2017.

“We are just saving the lives that can be saved,” said the head nurse of an underground (literally under the ground) medical clinic for women.

“If the rogue fighters find our clinics, and women’s shelters they will attack, rape and torture every female they find. That is why we must pay for armed security guard protection.”

Donate via PayPal

Paypal at


RINJ Women

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