Get MCC Computer Safety Software with each special donation

My Computer Cop makes web surfing safer for kids & moms. It is the software we use in War Zone women’s and children shelters.

A donation of $38.95 to The RINJ Foundation will fetch you this valuable software by emailed link. MyComputerCop was invented and maintained by our own IT people to protect our Women’s Shelters’ computers and those of our volunteer workers. All volunteers are able to download this software at no charge. We are using this software in women’s shelters in Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq and began to realize that all women and children should be equally protected.

Free computer safety software for windows computers with min. donation.

Free Offer $38.95

We seek to keep your computer, your kids and your online privacy safe from unwanted prying and from invaders who force undesirable content into your computer. My Computer Cop© employs Fair Information Practices and genuine Privacy Enhancing Techniques that minimize or eliminate the collection of personally identifiable information by blocking sites we know misbehave.

My Computer Cop On Duty

Consumers face a wide range of online privacy problems. The Internet Protocol (IP) used to transmit web pages creates a cyber privacy risk that is not imposed by your web browser but in the transmission of web pages through the protocol. It’s an open flow of data that can be exploited by unfair information collection practices or even very malicious practices. When a browser requests a page from a server, the browser’s IP address is transmitted as the return address to which the requested information is to be sent. There are even some servers that then do a ‘NetBios’ query to match the physical “MAC” address of the network interface card plugged into your computer. That’s a whole other nasty topic.

Free Offer $38.95

Something called the “referrer” header identifies the URL (Universal Resource Locator) of the page that caused the current page to be requested. This can happen when you click on a link. It can also happen when a banner graphic is included in a page. You don’t have to click anything or do anything. Zap! It’s on your computer because it is drilled into the page you navigated to. (An intriguing case of breach of privacy is where a banner ad is served on a page returned by a search engine.) This so called advertisement might be acceptable as providing transient information only, were it not for another device that allows long and potentially revealing records to be assembled. That device has the sweet sounding name of “cookies.” Sure. Cookies that spy on you. (Not all cookies are bad. Some legitimate site navigation cookies are OK — they do actualy facilitate better site navigation, particularly where more than one server, or server cluster, is handling your requests — while most third-party cookies are not OK.)

Some browser producers give users a measure of control over cookies, assuming the user is aware of them and knowledgeable enough to exercise the choices provided. Still, these measures are confusing and impractical and fall short of what cyber privacy advocates have asked for.

My Computer Cop© software provides your computer with a list of internet places we know of that use unfair practices or worse; places you don’t want to go based on current ‘Fair Information Practices’ and other strict privacy and content standards. You won’t be too surprised to learn our research has revealed that the more extreme pornographic sites horridly violate privacy; and extensively abuse the utility of “cookies”.

Continue toPrivacy Rights

My Computer Cop© User Manual topics: [ Additional security pointers. | Helpful hints for users. | Hiding the “Undo” feature. | Installation help. | License | Obtaining the latest version. ]


Special Offer $38.95


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This means that RINJ is a “qualified organization” exempt from federal income tax.

The RINJ Foundation does not promise, adduce, undertake, guarantee or in any way imply that by making a donation you will benefit from tax credits, tax deductions or any compensation whatsoever, regardless of country. Please check with your tax advisor. View our Charter Information and Policies.

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A deduction for a contribution to a Canadian organization is not allowed if the contributor reports no taxable income from Canadian sources on the United States income tax return

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If you do not know or understand the tax deductions allowed in your country for a donation to The RINJ Foundation in Canada, please consult your taxation advise provider.

My Computer Cop makes surfing safer for kids & moms. Photo credit:  Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective-Magazine

An online credit card donation of $38.95 to The RINJ Foundation will fetch you this valuable software by emailed link. MyComputerCop was invented and maintained by our own IT people to protect our Women’s Shelters’ computers and those of our volunteer workers. All volunteers are able to download this software at no charge. We are using this software in women’s shelters in Ukraine, Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq and began to realize that all women and children should be equally protected during these difficult times of Endless NATO Wars.


The RINJ Foundation
3219 Yonge Street, Suite 119,
Toronto, Ontario M4N 3S1 Canada
Message Form:
Contact The RINJ Foundation on Phone,  WhatsApp or SMS text: +1 647-739-9279 Home

Articles of Incorporation
Charter Summary

Corporate Name: The RINJ Foundation
Corporation Number: 8224455
DUNS number 203464961
Business Number: (BN)849710447RC0001
Governing Legislation: Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act – 2012-08-21

Refund Policy

If you have made a mistake and need a refund please contact us without delay. Click Here

Where does your gift go?

Some people who know the RINJ Women organisation do specify where they would like funds to go. For example if you add a note “HIV” 100% of your gift will go to purchasing the free HIV self-test (blood test not saliva) kits we provide patients in developing nations. Generally, all personal donor funds are used to purchase supplies. Once the cost of processing your donation is paid and the net amount is deposited in our Royal Bank of Canada account, more than 90% of your donation reaches women and children in need. The remaining 10% pays administrative costs like phone bills, bank fees, internet bandwidth (which is how you are reading this). The vast majority of RINJ workers are unpaid volunteers, interns, and exchange program workers.

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All rights reserved.
RINJ: Fighting for the safety of women and children.