Help for Ukraine Families

Global Women’s NGO helping women in Ukraine to stay alive in Ukraine or evacuate. We rely on donors like you. Help us make this better.

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Crisis Response Donation: Medical workers of, a unit of The RINJ Foundation, are humanitarian crisis workers. Local chapters of RINJ Women respond when emergencies strike. The angel you wake to see at the scene of your crisis, may be our nurse. Keep her supplied.

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Donate any amount to the women in Ukraine Here. Women’s shelters, birthing clinics and rape clinics in Ukraine and in the Donbass region are operated by hundreds of RINJ Women workers. RINJ volunteers provide assistance to women in distress, to victims of natural or man-made disasters and to victims of armed conflict. RINJ does this work irrespective of race, religion, creed or political convictions.
$25 or an amount you choose for vulnerable women the world over. Here. The RINJ Foundation is a global Women’s Rights & Women safety NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations since 2017, providing services like women’s shelters, rape & birth clinics in difficult regions where women are most vulnerable.

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The RINJ Foundation, is a Canada-based global women’s group in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN since 2017.

If you are anywhere in Ukraine or the occupied Donbass and need shelter or specialized women’s care, contact the RINJ HelpLine using this number: +16477399279 available on WhatsApp, Signal and Telegram. Anything we can arrange for you we will do. If you have automobile seats to the border, for others, let us know, we will arrange anonymous contact with those who ask.

RINJ Women Protecting the vulnerable in Ukraine
* Safe Houses
* Rape Clinics
* Birthing Clinics
* Health care clinics

Did you know there is a hand signal you can use to say “somebody inside my house is abusing me”.

Video: I am in Danger, danger signal. Did you know there is a hand signal you can use to say “somebody inside my house is abusing me”. It also means this is not private, my rapist is nearby. Or it can mean the children are listening or somebody is listening who could be harmed.  Courtesy Feminine-Perspective-Magazine (

The RINJ Foundation maintains absolute privacy and confidentiality forever.

“If the fighters find our clinics, they will attack, rape and torture every female they find.”

Third Party Video: Rape is a weapon of war. Largely unseen, it rips apart lives.

RINJ Women have been in the Ukraine for over a decade since the conflict began, since we lost our Oksana Makar who was raped and murdered in Ukraine.

We have matching donors who will match what you donate.

We need to treat sexually transmitted disease immediately. In many cases this involves massive doses of specialized antibiotics in a one-time dose. Why? Because some rape survivors are so ashamed and so PTSD, they do not come back. But we need to make sure they took their meds. Better to avoid a 10-day or 7-day course of some of the traditional pharmaceuticals unless we are housing the patient, which is what we prefer.

We conduct and teach rape kit collection and specialized nursing programs for medical recruits in-country.

Training is a very effective method for doing our work because we can train existing staffers working inside existing medical facilities and increase our GBV medical expertise presence.

We operate our own clinics and we provide staff to existing medical facilities.

We must pay their salaries and that is where your donation might go. We pay foreign nurses only 1,927 $cdn per month as a stipend to a volunteer.

We also provide housing for the nurse in these instances. This helps us do our work in Ukraine because we cannot operate a shelter/clinic everywhere. We also do this in Venezuela where we have only three of our own clinics and one hospital. We have our people embedded in many health care facilities in Syria and Iraq too. In some cases these are the only staffer being paid. In Ukraine we are heavily embedded for over a decade.

Tax Notice: Not-for-profit Corporation Canadian NGO

This means that RINJ is a “qualified organization” exempt from federal income tax.

The RINJ Foundation does not promise, adduce, undertake, guarantee or in any way imply that by making a donation you will benefit from tax credits, tax deductions or any compensation whatsoever, regardless of country. Please check with your tax advisor. View our Charter Information and Policies.

Notice to American Donors:

A deduction for a contribution to a Canadian organization is not allowed if the contributor reports no taxable income from Canadian sources on the United States income tax return

Contact Your Tax Consultant

If you do not know or understand the tax deductions allowed in your country for a donation to The RINJ Foundation in Canada, please consult your taxation advise provider.

The RINJ Foundation
3219 Yonge Street, Suite 119,
Toronto, Ontario M4N 3S1 Canada
Message Form: or
Contact The RINJ Foundation on Phone,  WhatsApp or SMS text: +1 647-739-9279 Home

Articles of Incorporation
Charter Summary

Corporate Name: The RINJ Foundation
Corporation Number: 8224455
DUNS number 203464961
Business Number: (BN)849710447RC0001
Governing Legislation: Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act – 2012-08-21

Refund Policy

If you have made a mistake and need a refund please contact us without delay. Click Here

Where does your gift go?

Some people who know the organisation do specify where they would like funds to go. For example if you add a note “HIV” 100% of your gift will go to purchasing the free HIV self-test (blood test not saliva) kits we provide patients in developing nations. Generally, all personal donor funds are used to purchase supplies. Once the cost of processing your donation is paid and the net amount is deposited in our Royal Bank of Canada account, more than 90% of your donation reaches women and children in need. The remaining 10% pays administrative costs like phone bills, bank fees, internet bandwidth (which is how you are reading this). The vast majority of RINJ workers are unpaid volunteers, interns, and exchange program workers.

Who are the “RINJ Women

We are the (Rape Is No Joke) RINJ Women who fought in the 2000s to get the money-making pro-rape and child sex slavery content off social media platforms, ending on 4 November 2011. Some of us collectively decided to continue our work for the universal rights of women and girls. We incorporated on 21 August 2012 after years of fighting as a grass roots organization called The RINJ Campaign. We have no restrictions. That’s our story. We move forward striving for gender equality universally despite the setbacks that have been experienced globally, and despite the attacks of misogynistic authoritarians.

The RINJ Foundation, is a Canada-based global women’s group in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN since 2017.

Below are the stories of some of our workers in Ukraine.

This time I do not know if we will wake up in the morning

This video “Mariupol”  is a story by humanitarians of what has been happening in the Donbass, Ukraine war zone. No drama, no bias other than antiwar, and unfortunately, little hope.

“We are just saving the lives that can be saved,” said the head nurse of an underground (literally under the ground) medical clinic for women.

“If the fighters find our clinics, and women’s shelters they will attack, rape and torture every female they find.”

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Video: From the perspective of terrified women operating basement birthing clinics, a women’s shelter, a 7-bus medivac, and general liaison to the outside world. 19 April, 2022

“This time I do not know if we will wake up in the morning. [translated] Our security detail is afraid that some very dangerous weapons will be used to flush out the maybe 1500 militia and NATO fighters in the Azov steelworks,” said Alona Adamovich,  RINJ Foundation regional director since 2014 in Eastern Ukraine. She had taken over running the operation of the RINJ birthing clinics and women’s shelters in Donbass for The RINJ Foundation.  Her staying in followed a catastrophe wherein the local person in charge was raped and killed by Ukrainian Nationalists. She was speaking to Medical Director Dr. Nassima al Amouri in Syria via encrypted shortwave radio relay. Regular communications are unreliable non existent.

Read: Chemical Weapons: How will we know if they have been used in Mariupol

Alona’s message was read aloud to a RINJ Women humanitarian administrators conference in Delhi, India where operational planners were discussing fund raising and the what, where, when and why of their responses to the  current global women’s security crisis which in the past ten years has lowered the ratio of women to men in the human race; caused hundreds of millions of young men to be in the position of never being able to find a female partner in their peer groups; security crisis that has dramatically increased violence toward women and children; caused widespread starvation or just general hunger and disease; and tipped the scales in favour of a run-amok Mother Nature in the fight for safe housing for millions of families versus rampant climate change.

“Every citizen lost in the once beautiful Donbass region was loved,” say the 16 brave women medical workers left behind in Mariupol by their own choice. Photo credit: Source supplied. Art/Cropping/Enhancement: Rosa Yamamoto / Feminine-Perspective Magazine

“We lose so many patients, I am afraid I cannot have my heart broken any more by losing more of our staff and friends, so maybe it is better if we all go out like a light in the night, if the Russians use a nuclear bomb or chemical weapons to get to the 100 feet deep tunnels over there in the Azov steel factories,” Alona had said to Nassima.

The last medivac bus and the EMS crews had left Mariupol on the weekend under orders from Russian commanders who had said there will be a total one week curfew in Mariupol, nobody comes or goes.

“Every bus was jammed to overload, heading out to rail stations, to a clinic in Donetsk or direct to the patients’ destinations, either a refugee camp or family,” explained nurse and EMS driver Lana from near Donetsk, Ukraine.

“I just drove with my teeth clenched. Saying bye to Alona this time walloped me in the stomach. I was weird. I could not cry in front of her. I pulled the sun visor down and cried quietly as I drove away. I feared we would never see each other again. I had come to love this woman like my very own blood-relative twin sister.

“I hit two Russian checkpoints, a DPR checkpoint and a Ukrainian checkpoint. Everybody was very nice. For what ever reason I could barely talk. I was sad. I had a bus load of seniors who were all fresh bandaged at the ‘clinic 4’ before we departed.

“I got triggered when a very kind Russian soldier, an older man, came into the bus and asked me if we had everything we needed. He had a greying beard so I figured him to be about 45-ish. He wore a wedding ring so I guessed he has family.

“We had no running lights or interior lights for fear of air attack but he was using his half-covered flashlight. I heard him say ‘excuse me, I am sorry to intrude’ and he blessed himself.

“I sobbed again. OMG I keep sobbing. The soldier took out a candy bar and a pack of cigs and offered them to me. I kissed his hand and said ‘thank you, I hope you will be with your family soon’.

“As I drove down the road in the dark, I wept quietly thinking about the people left behind. I wish I was driving a train with many passenger cars. In the dark I thought about my friends back in Mariupol. None of us know what is next,” said Lana in the recording Dr. Nassima al Amouri had made of the conversation.

Being free from the sexual violence nightmare; to be free from an abuser; to be free from torture and rape, is to fly.

RINJ Women in Ukraine, 2015

“If the fighters find our clinics, they will attack, rape and torture every female they find.”



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RINJ: Fighting for the safety of women and children.