Safety for women, girls especially in war zones

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RINJ Women seek global gender equality, humane conduct, peace, cooperation and love.

  • Note: Bulk donations of food/medicine are needed in many countries. Contact Us.
  • RINJ Sexual Assault Clinics (RSAC), general Health Care and all public services are provided 100% FREE.
  • Donate via PayPal if you wish. Click image.

Or use our fast secure credit card processing.

$500 for Women’s shelters around the world. Here. We need to treat sexually transmitted disease immediately. In many cases this involves massive doses of specialized antibiotics in a one-time dose. Why? Because some rape survivors are so ashamed and so PTSD, they do not come back. But we need to make sure they take their meds. Better to avoid a 10-day or 7-day course of some of the traditional medication responses unless we are housing the patient, which is what we prefer.
We conduct and teach rape kit collection and specialized nursing programs for medical recruits in-country. We operate our own clinics, and we provide staff to existing medical facilities.
Any amount to the women in Ukraine Here. Women’s shelters, birthing clinics and rape clinics in Ukraine and in the Donbass, region are operated by hundreds of RINJ Women workers.
$50 or an amount you enter for the women of Iran. Here. The Iran Revolution is led by women who fearlessly challenge the Islamic Republic for its murder & rape of women & girls as well as male members of their families. RINJ Women are operating women’s shelters, safe houses, & rape clinics in Iran.
$25 or an amount you choose for vulnerable women the world over. Here. The RINJ Foundation is a global Women’s Rights & Women safety NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations since 2017, providing services like women’s shelters, rape & birth clinics in difficult regions where women are most vulnerable.

The RINJ Foundation, is a Canadian Incorporated Civil Society (CSO) Non-Government Organization (NGO) in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN since 2017

Listing the needs of patients in Venezuela. Food is desperately needed. Drugs for patients with chronic illness – medications for diabetes, COPD, for hypertensive heart disease,  like beta blockers, ace inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, clinic needs like IV ringers, saline, glucose, basic analgesics like acetaminophen, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-histamines, H2 blockers, pediatric meds. The people of Venezuela Have  NOTHING. Photo Credit: Rosa Yamamoto

RINJ Principals

About The RINJ Foundation Charter

RINJ Claims the right for any of its members capable, to arrest and detain for transport to the Hague any ISIS person who
1) in a contiguous set of actions to the moment or from the moment of being observed doing an act in contravention to the Rome Statute;
2) who in so doing also simultaneously claims to be or showing that they are, by uniform, flag bearing or outright statement, members of the alleged War Criminal Group known as "The Islamic State".

“RINJ” is a private, non-profit, association of humanitarians including nurses, midwives, medics, EMS workers, doctors, lawyers and investigators fighting for the safety of women and children around the world. This association of members comprises an organized and structured global NGO, Civil Society group and *Social Movement. (*Including several of its subsidiary units RINJ in some regions seeks to empower oppressed population elements to mount effective challenges and resist the more powerful and advantaged elites.)

The RINJ Foundation
RINJ operates 100% on funds from private funders to ensure RINJ

  • freedom to offer humanitarian assistance when & where needed; &
  • maintain RINJ independence from political, religious & economic influence.

RINJ volunteers provide assistance to women and children in distress, to survivors of natural or man-made disasters & to victims of armed conflict. RINJ fills its role regardless of race, religion, creed or political convictions.

  • RINJ volunteers observe neutrality and impartiality in the name of universal medical ethics; the rule of law; and the universal right to humanitarian assistance.
  • RINJ claims full & unfettered freedom in the exercise of its functions.
  • RINJ volunteer/members undertake to respect professional codes of ethical standards & maintain independence from political, economic or religious powers.
  • RINJ volunteers/members understand the risks and dangers of the missions they carry out and make no claim for themselves or their assigns for any form of compensation other than that which The RINJ Foundation might be able to afford them.
  • Impartiality & neutrality are not equal to silence. When RINJ workers witness extreme acts of violence against individuals or groups, the organisation may speak out publicly. RINJ may seek to bring attention to extreme need and unacceptable suffering when access to justice or lifesaving medical care is impeded, when medical facilities come under threat, when crises like rape for the purpose of genocide are neglected, or when the provision of aid is inadequate or abused.

Tax Notice: Not-for-profit Corporation Canadian NGO

This means that RINJ is a “qualified organization” exempt from federal income tax.

The RINJ Foundation does not promise, adduce, undertake, guarantee or in any way imply that by making a donation you will benefit from tax credits, tax deductions or any compensation whatsoever, regardless of country. Please check with your tax advisor. View our Charter Information and Policies.

Notice to American Donors:

A deduction for a contribution to a Canadian organization is not allowed if the contributor reports no taxable income from Canadian sources on the United States income tax return

Contact Your Tax Consultant

If you do not know or understand the tax deductions allowed in your country for a donation to The RINJ Foundation in Canada, please consult your taxation advise provider.

The RINJ Foundation
3219 Yonge Street, Suite 119,
Toronto, Ontario M4N 3S1 Canada
Message Form:
Contact The RINJ Foundation on Phone,  WhatsApp or SMS text: +1 647-739-9279 Home

Articles of Incorporation
Charter Summary

Corporate Name: The RINJ Foundation
Corporation Number: 8224455
DUNS number 203464961
Business Number: (BN)849710447RC0001
Governing Legislation: Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act – 2012-08-21

Refund Policy

If you have made a mistake and need a refund please contact us without delay. Click Here

Where does your gift go?

Some people who know the RINJ Women organisation do specify where they would like funds to go. For example if you add a note “HIV” 100% of your gift will go to purchasing the free HIV self-test (blood test not saliva) kits we provide patients in developing nations. Generally, all personal donor funds are used to purchase supplies. Once the cost of processing your donation is paid and the net amount is deposited in our Royal Bank of Canada account, more than 90% of your donation reaches women and children in need. The remaining 10% pays administrative costs like phone bills, bank fees, internet bandwidth (which is how you are reading this). The vast majority of RINJ workers are unpaid volunteers, interns, and exchange program workers.

Who are the “RINJ Women”

RINJ Women strive to end malicious & hateful ideologies fuelling gender-based violence & terrorism in Afghanistan, South Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Philippines, Iran, & more including Venezuela since 2017. At our women’s care clinics, women’s shelters, and birthing clinics, we energize our tolerant kindness and apply our love for the human family, our caring, & our sharing.

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RINJ: Fighting for the safety of women and children.