Help protect women & children from war violence.

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Access to UN Bodies

RINJ is a non-governmental organization holding special consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). With that distinction, the RINJ CEO may appoint members to committees within the UN NGO system, including New York, Geneva and Vienna. This means you have the opportunity to review the array of UN initiatives and be nominated as a delegate to work on policy committees or commissions that interest you, either personally or from an institutional perspective. Examples include the Committee on the Status of Women, the Committee on HIV/AIDS, the Committee on Sustainable Development, Committee on Narcotics & Substance Abuse, the Committee on Human Rights, and the Committee on Finance for Development.

Supporting survivors & prosecution of rapists

* More than 29 million women in 42 countries received sexual and reproductive health services, including contraceptives and supplies for safe deliveries and personal protection.
* 6 Million people in 39 countries received family planning services.
* More than 1.5 million safe births were assisted in 29 countries.
* 2.4 Million survivors of gender-based violence accessed support services, including through RINJ-provided safe spaces.