Dotard & RocketMan Must Stand Down

Asia is close to nuclear holocaust.

Manila, Philippines 09/24/2017 – Two of the most renown misogynists on Planet Earth are each speaking publicly about their respective patriarchies killing millions of Asians in East and South East Asia because these two males are angry at each other.

These men are the worst terrorists of the 21st Century yet.

Recent articles on this topic of nuclear war:

  1. Mothers, prepare for Nuclear War.
  2. The RINJ Women explained their concerns about Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un in late 2016.
  3. Women’s Scolding Rebuke of Dotard and Rocketman.
  4. Thank You China & Russia for Fighting for the safety of Women & Children
  5. Trump “Total Destruction” of 17M North Korean Women & Kids
  6. Global Tolerance of State Sponsored Civilian Death has been enhanced by Mosul –
  7. Red Lines on #GlobalValues
  8. “There are many paths to a nuclear-weapons-free world. I appeal to all states to intensify their efforts to contribute to the shared vision in their own ways.”

North America & Europe may be hurt. Asia will end.

At risk are parts of Russia and China; also at risk are all of Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and more in close, densely populated regions of Asia.
Nuclear fallout will cause radiation sickness the world over.
Probably all of Asia will be impacted if Iran joins the war. It has been testing ballistic missiles and has for twenty nine years maintained a relationship with North Korea over weaponizing each others existing research and resources.

The RINJ Foundation women warn:

Trump, (dotard) you are a foolish old man with a fat personality disorder who has lost rationality. Play nicely or go into a home.

Kim Jong-un (rocketman) you are a clever but misguided leader of a false paradigm. Fix your people’s problems with sound reasoning and their freedom, not war preparations. Feed your people, now, as a first priority.


As the global patriarchy tosses nuclear threats around, women & children in parts of Asia are terrorized. Feeling hungry and alone is not enough, you two have to threaten women and their kids with the most horrifying death. Survivors may envy the dead.

Be prepared, mothers. Think about leaving the cities. Store food & water in a safe room, cave or shelter. Save your children if you can. It has come to that.
Many Asians fear a nuclear holocaust. The credibility issues to this fear are nonexistent. It is a reasonable fear.

  • Until recent times, world wars happened every 50 years. Another is due.
  • All of the nuclear powers are involved in a two-party dispute over the American-challenged right of North Korea to also have nuclear weapons.
  • In the last ten years American male leaders have killed hundreds of thousands of innocents to topple other male rulers they did not like.
  • China and Russia are shared border neighbours of North Korea and they are both nuclear nations with ample weapons to destroy Earth several times over.
  • Some of the parties are ‘screaming’ irrational threats  at each other.

There are no capable world leaders to bring the warring patriarchy to the discussion table. Women are instead speaking out and urging all women to use their influence to prevent war.





Thought for today

Each one of us surrendering to love, social cooperation and altruism versus hatred, separation and greed, will change the current path of a misogynist world. Read Misogyny Defined